Custom Content
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Related topics: Crafting, Item Tinkering, Gearcraft Items, Rating, Cloak Tinkering

Any loot generated trinket can have up to 1 Major, 1 Moderate, and 1 Minor gearcraft imbues. (Note: The trinket must be a magical trinket, with spells on it. Non-magical trinkets cannot be imbued.) Attempt an imbue by first adding a full bag of salvage twice (one bag total) to an armature for the level of effect you wish to add. Majors max at 33% success rate (38% with the Charmed Smith augmentation). Moderates and minors can max at 100% with high enough skill/low work item/high work salvage.

Adding a major:

  1. Purchase a Major Gearcrafting Armature (cheapest from the quartermasters in the Faction Strongholds) and combine with one of the six types of gearcrafting salvage. (Add bag twice to complete the armature.)
  2. Combine the armature-salvage combination to a loot generated, magical trinket. Majors have a high chance of failure, maximum possible is 38% (with Charmed Smith, the imbue augmentation, otherwise maximum is 33%).

Adding a moderate:

  1. Purchase a Moderate Gearcrafting Armature (sold by many general merchandise shopkeeps) and combine with one of the six types of gearcrafting salvage. (Add bag twice to complete the armature.)
  2. Combine the armature-salvage combination to a loot generated, magical trinket. Moderates have a decent to high chance of success, maximum possible is 100%.

Adding a Minor:

  1. Purchase a Minor Gearcrafting Armature (sold by many general merchandise shopkeeps) and combine with one of the six types of gearcrafting salvage. (Add bag twice to complete the armature.)
  2. Combine the armature-salvage combination to a loot generated, magical trinket. Minors have a high chance of success, maximum possible is 100%.

Cloak Imbuing:

  1. Purchase a Cloak Tinkering Armature from Valorian and combine with one of the six types of salvage. (Add bag twice to complete the armature.) Preparing the armature requires high Item Tinkering (Skill).
  2. Ensure the cloak is magical (has spellcraft). One way to do this is with the Gladiator's Cloak Enchantment Thread from Colosseum Coin Collector.
  3. Combine the armature-salvage combination to a loot generated, or Enhanced Valorian cloak. This does not require a skill check and cannot fail.

Item Tinkering Imbue Salvage Edit

Salvage Minor Moderate Major Cloak
Salvaged Amber Augmented Stamina I Augmented Stamina II Augmented Stamina III Augmented Stamina III
Salvaged Diamond Augmented Damage I Augmented Damage II Augmented Damage III Augmented Damage III
Salvaged Gromnie Hide Augmented Damage Reduction I Augmented Damage Reduction II Augmented Damage Reduction III Augmented Damage Reduction III
Salvaged Pyreal Augmented Understanding I Augmented Understanding II Augmented Understanding III Augmented Understanding III
Salvaged Ruby Augmented Health I Augmented Health II Augmented Health III Augmented Health III
Salvaged Sapphire Augmented Mana I Augmented Mana II Augmented Mana III Augmented Mana III
*You can only have 1 spell active per row. They do not stack, and lower levels (I and II) are overwritten by higher levels.