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K'nath Lair
Quests Fiun Healing Machine Quest, House Plants
Restrictions Level: Any
Tieable: Yes
Recallable: Yes
Summonable: Yes
Coordinates 49.7S, 56.3W
near Wai Jhou
Nearest LS ??
Route Take the East Direlands Swamp portal near Dryreach at 8.1S, 74.5E or use the K'nath Lair Portal housing device.
Map Files: ACMaps Map
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Map Dereth Point


Notes Edit

  • Excellent place to get Brown Lumps for the House Plants quest.
  • You will need lockpick or the K'nath Key to progress further into the dungeon. The key is dropped by the K'nathtead in the south room.

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Unmapped Dungeons

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Portals Edit

  • Greater K'nath Lair - end of the dungeon, 50+ and requires ToD to use
  • Surface - drop point, destination: 49.7S, 56.3W

Images Edit

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