Introduced:  Gears of Change
Ayesha bint'Shashqa
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Gharu'ndim
Title Arcanum Gearcrafter
Location Xarabydun
Level 275
Strength 290
Endurance 200
Coordination 290
Quickness 260
Focus 290
Self 200
Health 296
Stamina 396
Mana 396

Notes Edit

  • Route:

Dialog Edit

Ayesha bint'Shashqa tells you, "Greetings."

Ayesha bint'Shashqa tells you, "I am her to aid those who had problems with their Gearcrafted Trinkets, and lost their enchantments during a past fluxuation in Portalspace."

Ayesha bint'Shashqa tells you, "For those who have had these issues, I can replace their Armatures and give them a token that can be traded for their lost Salvage."