The Asheron's Call in-game tutorial, known as the Training Academy Quest, introduces you to many of the following components.

Visual Guide Edit

An example of the UI using the default settings and resolution of 800x600. Hover your mouse over areas of the screen for a description. Click an area for more information.

Status PanelsIn Game HelpExit Game
3D Display
Chat & Event Log

Panel Header

Container Slots
Peace/Combat Mode Open/Close Inventory
Use Selected TargetSelected Target BarExamine Selected Target
Shortcut Slots

Components of the UI

Managing the Interface Edit

The following commands can be entered in the chat interface to save and load customised UI layouts.

  • Basic Save/Load UI:
    • Typing /saveui will save the current layout to a file called UI-Default.txt in the folder with your preferences.
    • Type /loadui loads that layout from UI-Default.txt.
  • Saving/Loading multiple UI layouts:
    • If you specify a filename with /saveui it will save the layout to a specific txt file by the same name: [filename].txt
    • If you specify a filename with /loadui it will attempt to load your layout from [filename].txt
    • Example: /saveui awesomemelee would create a file named awesomemelee.txt which you could then load using /loadui awesomemelee
  • Advanced Feature: Auto UI
    • /saveautoui - Save your layout in a file specific to your character and resolution.
    • If you change resolution while logged on that character, the game will attempt to load the layout you saved with /saveautoui.
    • It is possible to perform a save for each resolution you would like to use while playing that character, and the game will automatically switch between those resolutions. There is a /loadautoui command to force a load if it does not load automatically.

Sharing UI Layouts Edit

  • UI files are saved in the same location as screenshots ( \\MyDocuments\Asheron's Call )
  • You can make fine tuned adjustments by editing in notepad.
  • Simply place shared files in the same location and load using the chat commands in game.

Decal Plugins Edit

See also: Plugins

  • Virindi Window Tool gives you the option to save/load layouts with a User Interface rather than chat commands. Saves the location of AC panels as well as Decal Plugins.
  • Provides the "AC Old UI" option that forces the panels to assume their original positions, as well as move/adjust the screen as you use them. [Example]
  • If you capture a layout with AC Old UI enabled it will only affect plugins and the floating chat windows
  • VWT comes with the Virindi Tank Bundle

See Also Edit

Update History Edit


  • Keyboard binds for mapping a number of UI panels and character options added.

Throne of Destiny expansion

  • New interface skin.
  • Pop-up dialogues.
  • Instead of logging out and changing the keys from the login screen, keys are changed in-game using a large pop-up interface.
  • Floating help system window that has branching, easy-to-navigate menus.
  • The chat window can now be resized smoothly by clicking and dragging on its upper edge.
  • To alert the player when new text has come in, a small, blinking arrow appears at the bottom of the chat box instead of automatically scrolling down.
  • The status text, that used to appear in the top corner, has been moved to the top center, made red and enlarged.
  • You now see a 3D model of any person or monster, instead of a small icon, when you view them in the Examine Target Panel.

Friend and Foe

  • Tooltip added for when you have dragged an item over to another object, player or NPC in the 3D window, so you can be sure you're about to hand it to the right thing or person.

Blood From Stone

  • Mouse Turn & Movement introduced.

Dreams of Torment

  • All panels are now moveable
  • When appropriate, many panels are resizable.
  • Panels can be locked in place.
  • Playable 3D space no longer changes when opening UI panel elements.
  • Examination panel has now been separated from other panels.
  • Examination panel text has been revamped.
  • Hotbar panel can be expanded to show nine additional slots.

Feelings of Dread

  • Option for side by side vitals
  • Moved value & burden back to the top of examination
  • Examination panel now updates more frequently while in combat mode
  • SaveAutoUI file is now loaded upon login if character name, server, and resolution correctly matches