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Summoning T'thuun
Level: Any
Rec. Level: 150+
Type: Fellowship
Starts At: Patriarch's Valley
Route: Eastham to Patriarch's Valley portal at 17.6N, 63.5E
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Summoning T'thuun

Overview Edit

T'thuun is being summoned by the Patriarchs. This ritual must be stopped.

  • There is no limit to the number of people that can participate in the summoning; however, at least once person must collect three Summoning Rituals tomes beforehand in order to be able to start the quest spawns.
  • Collecting the invoking stones is an optional side quest to gain many title rewards.

Walkthrough Edit

The Summoning Edit

Part 1: Collecting the Summoning Ritual Tomes Edit

  1. From Patriarch's Valley, enter each of the three pyramids (see below), and work your way to the top of the pyramid. Each pyramid has a unique Raid Commander, which drops one of the three Summoning Rituals tomes. There is no timer on pickup and they can be dropped, however you can only pick up one of each at a time. (if you have two toons there, you can pick up with one and store them on another) Once you have all three versions you are ready to spawn the quest.
    1. Summoning Rituals is dropped by the Kazyk Ri's Raid Commander in the southwest pyramid at 58.4N, 11.2W.
    2. Summoning Rituals is dropped by the Minik Ra's Raid Commander in the north pyramid at 58.4N, 9.5W.
    3. Summoning Rituals is dropped by the Nivinizk's Raid Commander in the southeast pyramid at 60.2N, 10.3W.

Part 2: Starting the Ritual Edit

  1. Once you have all three Summoning Ritual tomes, gather your group in the Patriarch's Valley.
    • Anyone can use the Patriarch's Valley Portal in Eastham at 17.6N 63.5E. However, for low level characters and mules, this is not advised since they will likely not survive the jump down into the valley.
    • The surface portal in each of the pyramids is tie-able. This portal drops outside the pyramids on the valley floor, a safe location for mules and low levels.
    • A common occurence is for someone to announce the quest and then summon portals in marketplace, colosseum, Arwic, etc. for players to get their characters in position to receive the reward.
    • Note: The bosses are high health, so the more people you have the quicker it will be to kill them.
  2. When ready, hand all three tomes to Captain Tulmada, and jump down into the valley to fight.
  3. Killing the three named bosses spawns the reward NPC, killing the tentacles does not impact the NPC spawning, however thinning them down before killing the final boss will make it easier for people to speak to the NPC without being killed.
  4. Talk to Captain Tulmada after the enemies have been killed for rewards. He only remains there for a short time after each completion.
    • Most players quickly log out and log into another character stationed in the valley after getting reward. It is possible to get rewards on 4 or more characters per account for each summoning.

Collecting the Invoking Stones Edit

Stone collecting is an entirely optional side quest.

  • This portion of the quest was devised from the T'Thuun's Marauders live event quests.
  • Within each pyramid, enemies can drop Invoking Stones. These stones can be collected and turned in for titles and experience. Each pyramid has 4 different types of Invoking Stones which can be collected for a total of 12 different stones.
  • Collected stones are turned in to a Royal Scout for experience and titles. There is a royal scout located at the drop of the Patriarch's Valley portal from Eastham. He is next to the NPC who takes the books for the summoning portion of the quest.
  • The North pyramid has invoking stones from Arwic, Isle of Tears, Festival stone of Midsong and Mount Esper.
  • The Southeast pyramid has invoking stones from Mayoi, Silyun, Candeth Keep and Southern Osteth Menhir Ring.
  • The Southwest pyramid has invoking stones from Ayan Baqur, Colier, Asheron's Island and Tou Tou.
  • The royal scout will refuse to take less than 30 of any particular stone at one time, and will take any excess stones above 30 without counting them towards the total. Therefore, you must do 3 individual turn ins of 30 or more for each stone to get the full rewards (36 total turn ins). Turning in 90 of one stone all at once will only count as a single turn in of 30.
  • A title is given for each stone when 30 are turned in, and when 90 are turned in (3 turn ins).
  • The pyramids are identical to one another in terms of layout. See the Pyramid page for a wiki map.
  • There are certain enemies in each pyramid which drop specific invoking stones 100% of the time.
Location Floor/Room Enemy Invoking Stone
Southeast Pyramid 1F, NE Room Patriarch's Executioner Southern Osteth
Southeast Pyramid 1F, SW Room Patriarch's Executioner Southern Osteth
Southeast Pyramid 2F, NE Room Patriarch's Champion Candeth Keep
Southeast Pyramid 2F, SW Room Patriarch's Elite Raider Mayoi
Southeast Pyramid 3F Patriarch's Champion Candeth Keep
Southeast Pyramid 3F Patriarch's Inquisitor Mayoi
Southwest Pyramid 1F, NE Room Patriarch's Executioner Tou Tou
Southwest Pyramid 1F, NW Room Patriarch's Executioner Ayan Baqur
Southwest Pyramid 2F, SW Room Patriarch's Inquisitor Colier
Southwest Pyramid 2F, NW Room Patriarch's Elite Raider Asheron's Island
Southwest Pyramid 3F Patriarch's Champion Tou Tou
Southwest Pyramid 3F Patriarch's Champion Colier
North Pyramid 1F, NE Room Patriarch's Executioner Arwic
North Pyramid 1F, NW Room Patriarch's Executioner Festival Stone of Midsong
North Pyramid 2F, SW Room Patriarch's Inquisitor Isle of Tears
North Pyramid 2F, NE Room Patriarch's Executioner Mount Esper
North Pyramid 3F Patriarch's Champion Arwic
North Pyramid 3F Patriarch's Champion Festival Stone of Midsong
  • Some stones are the same color, but can be distinguished by the difference in background color.
  • Cold/Frost weapons work better than fire on all enemies.
  • Inside the pyramids, Falatacot Patrols are spawned in the hallways via floor traps. These can be mostly avoided by hugging the walls.
  • Sclavus Patrols spawn on the first 2 floors of each pyramid and walk a specific path through the 4 rooms.
  • Neither of the patrol enemies have a chance to drop invoking stones, only the other spawns inside the pyramids.
  • All enemies on the 3F of each pyramid drop stones 100% of the time. 2 of these enemies always drop the same stone (listed in table above), the others drop 1 of the 4 invoking stones for that pyramid randomly.
  • The respawn rate in the pyramids is faster than normal. Enemies will respawn before their corpses decay.
  • In the southeast pyramid, the Silyun invoking stone is not dropped 100% by any enemy in the pyramid. It must be collected from random enemy drops.
  • The best method for collecting stones is to run directly to the 3F of each pyramid and collect stones there.
    • Using this strategy, you can collect 30 of each of the 4 invoking stones for each pyramid in about an hour. This translates to 9–10 hours to get all the titles.
  • The Mount Esper invoking stone in the north pyramid does not seem to randomly drop as often as the other stones. As a result, you may need to camp the Patriarch Executioner on the 2F to finish collecting them.
  • After turning in 30 of each invoking stone, talking to Asheron's Investigator in Eastham will yield the Stone Collector title and 1 billion experience.
  • There is no bonus/additional reward for turning in 90 of each invoking stone.
  • There is no timer on picking up or turning in stones to a royal scout.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Pyramid 58.4N, 11.2W
58.4N, 9.5W
60.2N, 10.3W
00CB.gif --

Rewards Edit

Summoning Edit

Experience: 500,000,000 (50% up to level 200)
Titles: Dereth's Elite

Invoking Stones Edit

Give Arwic Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Arwician (30 stones)
Arwic Noble (90 stones)
Give Asheron's Island Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Asheron's Militia (30 stones)
Hilltop Defender (90 stones)
Give Ayan Baqur Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Desert Warrior (30 stones)
Zharalim (90 stones)
Give Candeth Keep Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Guardian of the Keep (30 stones)
Legionnaire (90 stones)
Give Colier Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Thane of Colier (30 stones)
Colier Miner (90 stones)
Give Festival Stone of Midsong Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Memorial Champion (30 stones)
Champion Immemorial (90 stones)
Give Isle of Tears Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Hero of Woe (30 stones)
Warrior of Woe (90 stones)
Give Mayoi Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Mayoi Protector (30 stones)
Samurai (90 stones)
Give Mount Esper Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Warrior of the Crater Lake (30 stones)
Volcanologist (90 stones)
Give Silyun Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Defender of Silyun (30 stones)
Has way too much time (90 stones)
Give Southern Osteth Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Archaeologist (30 stones)
Rock Hound (90 stones)
Give Tou-Tou Invoking Stones to Royal Scout
Titles: Tough Tough (30 stones)
Rock Star (90 stones)
Turn in 30 of each Invoking Stone and talk to Asheron's Investigator in Eastham.
Titles: Stone Collector

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Giving Summoning Rituals to Captain Tulmada Edit

You allow Captain Tulmada to examine your Summoning Rituals.
You hand over all of your Summoning Rituals.
You hand over all of your Summoning Rituals.
You hand over all of your Summoning Rituals.
Captain Tulmada tells you, "The ritual should be in a fragile state but we have little time. Go now, stop their ritual before they succeed in dooming us all."

Combat Messages Edit

You humans have meddled for the last time!
Let us sacrifice them in the name of T'thuun!
Now you all die!
<Player> wounds Kazyk Ri T'thuunixis badly and a gout of blood falls to the ground. His eyes flash and you hear him whisper something you can't make out.
An expression of dumbfounded surprise flashes over Nivinizk T'thuunixis's face as he is brought down by <Player>.
An expression of dumbfounded surprise flashes over Minik Ra T'thuunixis's face as he is brought down by <Player>.
The pillar falls.

Speaking with Captain Tulmada after completing Quest Edit

Captain Tulmada tells you, "Good job."
You have been awarded the title "Dereth's Elite".
Captain Tulmada gives you Pack T'thuun.
You've earned 500,000,000 experience.
Captain Tulmada gives you Strengthened Mana Forge Key.

Update History Edit

Unfinished Business

  • Quest introduced (Converted from a recurring live event into a permanent quest).

Stirrings in the Dark

  • Pack T'thuun dolls altered to now make them decay in 20 seconds if left on the ground.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 27 days to 20 hours.

Trivia Edit

Template:See also

The summoning ritual was originally part of a live event that was repeated every Friday night until it was made a fixed quest in the Unfinished Business event.

Most of the titles associated with the single month quest T'Thuun's Marauders were also made available again as the Invoking Stones now drop on creatures in the three Pyramids in Patriarch's Valley. Also the portal in Eastham was made permanent and is always open in front of the Meeting Hall.