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For All to Read, Written for One

by Grasp

As was the tradition among the Sho, the most skilled blademasters went to fencing school. As they progressed in skill, they took on more of the role of teacher than of student.

This troubled Saki Jou. He felt unsure of being the teacher. He approached his master and said, "I am not ready to have an apprentice, master. I do not have another sword for him to use, nor do I have enough pyreals to buy him armor. I cannot support myself and another."

The wizened master looked deep into his eyes and understood. "You are ready young Jou. You are just too selfish to admit it."

The swordsman looked as though he had been slapped. "Selfish? No, master; I am thinking of the poor student who must have one such as myself for a teacher. I do not think of myself."

The old one stood and beckoned for Jou to follow him. It was a long walk through the wooded hills. Jou kept expecting his master to speak. The path was very familiar to him. When he first arrived at the fencing school, his master had taken him down this same path. It was here that he'd first used his boken to train. Further on was the field he used to practice the many techniques. On that small clearing, he fought mock duels with the other students. As they looped back to the compound, the master stopped and looked at the student.

"In order to be a master you must teach another. Only in this way will you progress in your art and self. Students do not need items and materials. They require an ear to listen and suggestions from one who has walked down the path ahead of them." Jou looked confusedly at his teacher. "You are Saki Jou. You have much to show a young one. You only need to be willing to answer their questions and show them the paths you walked down to be their teacher. You are afraid to fail them, and in so doing, fail yourself. But I tell you: You can only fail in this by not doing."

Saki Jou stood thinking of these words long after his master had departed. Finally, with a clenched stomach, he went to the gate and looked at the youth waiting there. One of them had a certain sparkle in his eyes. Saki Jou steeled his face into a grimace and beckoned him to come forward. As the child bowed to him, it suddenly became clear to Jou. To be a blademaster you must first be a master.
