"The tale of the Shadows is long and still unclear in many respects. Three thousand years ago, an Empyrean named Ilservian Palacost gave himself over in service to an ancient, nameless power of darkness and madness. He became known as Bael'Zharon, the "Slayer of Hope" in the language of Asheron's people. Ilservian's followers were changed into Shadows. The first Shadows, then, were Empyrean, corrupted by the same force of chaos that empowered Bael'Zharon. These Shadows fought a vicious war against the ancient Empyrean and nearly destroyed them. Only the actions of the Yalain Mage Council and Asheron saved the race from absorption or destruction. Since then, the Shadows have captured and corrupted many humans into members of their ranks. It is known from historical records that in the last war, the Shadows similarly twisted several Gromnatross -- the adult form of Dereth's Gromnies -- into the Shadow Spires." --Town Network Painting
See also: Shadow Lore and Shadow Utterances
Pages in category "Shadow"
The following 112 pages are in this category, out of 112 total.
- Shadow (Creature)
- Shadow Aspect of Grael
- Shadow Captain
- Shadow Child
- Shadow Child (Level 240)
- Shadow Commander (Lugian)
- Shadow Cyst (165)
- Shadow Cyst (89)
- Shadow Cyst (Level 160)
- Shadow Cyst (Level 50)
- Shadow Eddy
- Shadow Engineer
- Shadow Flyer
- Shadow Infiltrator
- Shadow Knight Hand
- Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Arm)
- Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Heart)
- Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Mind)
- Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation)
- Shadow Lieutenant
- Shadow Lugian Portal
- Shadow Nightmare
- Shadow Nightmare Leader
- Shadow Phantom
- Shadow Phantom Leader
- Shadow Proctor
- Shadow Protector
- Shadow Seeker
- Shadow Sorceress
- Shadow Spectre
- Shadow Sprite
- Shadow Vortex (Tou-Tou)
- Shadow Wraith
- Shadow's Breath
- Shoktok
- Shonossoar the Song-Keeper
- Sinister Shadow
- Small Shadow Child
Media in category "Shadow"
The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.
0x0500251F.png 256 × 256; 21 KB
0x0600655C.png 256 × 256; 102 KB
Ac10thanniversary1280x1024baelzharon.jpg 1,280 × 1,024; 245 KB
AC2 Shadow Mystic Art.jpg 600 × 450; 101 KB
Children of the Prodigal Lord Splash Screen.jpg 640 × 480; 64 KB
Dark Materials Splash Screen.jpg 640 × 480; 57 KB
Down Twisting Paths Splash Screen.jpg 640 × 480; 46 KB
Recollections Splash Screen.jpg 640 × 480; 36 KB
Shattering the Dark Splash Screen.jpg 640 × 480; 52 KB
The Price of Loyalty Splash Screen.jpg 640 × 480; 63 KB