Translated Bound Falatacot Fragment: Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

13 August 2017

2 May 2017

30 January 2017

6 April 2015

5 October 2012

7 November 2010

3 August 2008

13 March 2008

2 December 2007

  • curprev 02:5202:52, 2 December 2007127.0.0.1 talk 2,472 bytes +2,472 New page: '''Pre-Translation Name:''' Untranslated Bound Falatacot Fragment '''Pre-Translation Description:''' A scrap of leathery skin, with twisted runes scorched into it. '''Pre-Translation Aut...
Manual revert
Redirect target changed
Server-side upload
Visual edit
Visual edit: Switched
wikieditor (hidden tag)