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<includeonly>[[Category:Weapon]]{{#switch:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}
<includeonly><div style="overflow:auto">
| axe = [[Category:Axe]]
<div class="item tooltip-content">
| dagger = [[Category:Dagger]]
<div id="item_header">
  | mace = [[Category:Mace]]
| spear = [[Category:Spear]]
<div>[[File:{{{Icon Image}}}]]</div>
| staff = [[Category:Staff]]
  | sword = [[Category:Sword]]
| ua = [[Category:UA Weapon]]
<li>Value: {{{Value|??}}}
| unarmed = [[Category:UA Weapon]]
<li class="bottomspace">Burden: {{{Burden|??}}}
  | unarmed combat = [[Category:UA Weapon]]
{{#if:{{{Weapon Skill|}}}|<li>Skill: {{{Weapon Skill}}} ({{{Weapon Type}}})}}
}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Damage|}}}|<li>Damage: {{{Damage|?? - ??}}} {{#if:{{{Buffed Damage|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Damage}}})</span>}}, {{{Element|??}}}}}
| bow = [[Category:Bow]]
{{#if:{{{Speed|}}}|<li>Speed: {{{Speed|??}}} {{#if:{{{Buffed Speed|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Speed}}})</span>}}}}
| crossbow = [[Category:Crossbow]]
{{#if:{{{Bonus to Attack|}}}|<li>Bonus to Attack Skill: +{{{Bonus to Attack}}}% {{#if:{{{Buffed Attack|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Attack}}}%)</span>}}}}
  | tw = [[Category:Thrown Weapon]]
{{#if:{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}|<li>Bonus to Melee Defense: +{{{Bonus to Defense}}}% {{#if:{{{Buffed Defense|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Defense}}}%)</span>}}}}
| thrown weapons = [[Category:Thrown Weapon]]
{{#if:{{{Bonus to Missile|}}}|<li>Bonus to Missile Defense: +{{{Bonus to Missile}}}%.}}
| thrown weapon = [[Category:Thrown Weapon]]
{{#if:{{{Bonus to Magic|}}}|<li>Bonus to Magic Defense: +{{{Bonus to Magic}}}%.}}
{{#if:{{{Spells|}}}|<li class="topbottomspace">Spells: {{{Spells}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Special Properties|}}}|<li class="bottomspace">Properties: {{{Special Properties}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Special Req|}}}|<li class="bottomspace">{{{Special Req}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Player Attuned|}}}}}|true|<li>Wield requires [Player Character]|}}
{{#if:{{{Level Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires level {{{Level Req}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires base {{{Weapon Skill}}} {{{Base Weapon Req}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Buffed Weapon Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires {{{Weapon Skill}}} {{{Buffed Weapon Req}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Activation Reqs|}}}|<li>Activation requires {{{Activation Reqs}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Cannot Be Sold|}}}}}|true|<li>This item cannot be sold.|}}
{{#if:{{{Rare Number|}}}|<li>Rare #{{{Rare Number}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Spellcraft|}}}|<li>Spellcraft: {{{Spellcraft}}}.}}
{{#if:{{{Mana|}}}|<li>Mana: {{{Mana}}}.}}
{{#if:{{{Mana Cost|}}}|<li>Mana Cost: 1 point per {{{Mana Cost}}} seconds.}}
{{#if:{{{Description|}}}|<li class="topbottomspace">{{{Description}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Inscription|}}}|<li class="inscription">{{{Inscription}}}}}
<div style="float:right">{{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}}|||{{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}}|Live.jpg||[[File:{{{Live Image|}}}{{!}}thumb{{!}}{{{Live Image Caption}}}]]}}}}</div></div>
<!-- Categories -->
{{#if:{{{nocat|}}}| | {{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}} | Live.jpg | [[Category:Images Needed (Weapons)]] | {{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}} | | [[Category:Images Needed (Weapons)]] |}}}}
{{#switch:{{lc:{{{Weapon Skill|}}}}}
| heavy weapon
  | heavy weapons = [[Category:Heavy Weapons]]{{#if:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|[[Category:Heavy Weapons: Wield {{{Base Weapon Req}}}]]|[[Category:Heavy Weapons: No Wield Requirement]]}}
  | light weapon
| light weapons = [[Category:Light Weapons]]{{#if:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|[[Category:Light Weapons: Wield {{{Base Weapon Req}}}]]|[[Category:Light Weapons: No Wield Requirement]]}}
  | finesse weapon
| finesse weapons = [[Category:Finesse Weapons]]{{#if:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|[[Category:Finesse Weapons: Wield {{{Base Weapon Req}}}]]|[[Category:Finesse Weapons: No Wield Requirement]]}}
  | 2h
| thw
| two handed
| two handed weapon
| two handed weapons
| two handed combat = [[Category:Two Handed Weapons]]{{#if:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|[[Category:Two Handed Weapons: Wield {{{Base Weapon Req}}}]]|[[Category:Two Handed Weapons: No Wield Requirement]]}}
{|border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 style=width:100%
{{#switch:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}
| axe = [[Category:Axes]]
| dagger = [[Category:Daggers]]
{|border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=300 style=background:#F0F0F0
| mace = [[Category:Maces]]
| spear = [[Category:Spears]]
| staff = [[Category:Staves]]
|align=center| Value: {{{Value|??}}}<br>{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Burden|??}}}}} | unknown | Unknown Burden | {{{Burden|??}}} Burden Units }}
| sword = [[Category:Swords]]
|width=40 align=center| [[Image:{{{Icon Image|Icon.png}}}]]
  | ua
  | unarmed
  | unarmed combat
{{#ifeq:{{{Description|}}}|||{{{Description|}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Special Properties|}}}|||[[Special Properties]]: {{{Special Properties|}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Damage|}}}|||Damage: {{{Damage|?? - ??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Damage|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Damage|}}})</font></b>}}, {{{Element|??}}}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Damage|}}}|||<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Speed|}}}|||Speed: {{{Speed|??}}}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Speed|}}}||| <b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Speed|}}})</font></b>}}<br>{{#ifeq:{{{Weapon Type|}}}|||Uses {{{Weapon Type|}}} Skill<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Bonus to Attack|}}}|||Bonus to Attack Skill: +{{{Bonus to Attack|}}}%}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Attack|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Attack|}}}%)</font></b>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Bonus to Attack|}}}|||<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}|||Bonus to Melee Defense: +{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}%}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Defense|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Defense|}}}%)</font></b>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}|||<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Bonus to Missile|}}}|||Bonus to Missile Defense: +{{{Bonus to Missile|}}}%<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Bonus to Magic|}}}|||Bonus to Magic Defense: +{{{Bonus to Magic|}}}%<br>}}<br>{{#ifeq:{{{Special Req|}}}|||{{{Special Req|}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Player Attuned|}}}}}|true|This item can only be wielded by <Player>.<br><br>|}}{{#ifeq:{{{Level Req|}}}|||You must be at least level {{{Level Req|}}} to wield this item.<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|||Your base {{{Weapon Type}}} must be at least {{{Base Weapon Req|}}} to wield this item.<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Weapon Req|}}}|||Your {{{Weapon Type}}} must be at least {{{Buffed Weapon Req|}}} to wield this item.<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Level Req|}}}||{{#ifeq:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}||{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Weapon Req|}}}|||<br>}}|<br>}}|<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Spells|}}}|||Casts the following spells: {{{Spells|}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Activation Reqs|}}}|||Activation Requirements: {{{Activation Reqs}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Spellcraft|}}}|||Spellcraft: {{{Spellcraft|}}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Mana|}}}|||Mana: {{{Mana|}}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Mana Cost|}}}|||Mana Cost: 1 point per {{{Mana Cost|??}}} seconds.<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Cannot Be Sold|False}}} }}|true|<br>This item cannot be sold.<br>|}}
| unarmed weapon = [[Category:Unarmed Weapons]]
}}}} </includeonly><noinclude>{{Documentation}}[[Category:Wiki Templates]]</noinclude>
{{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|Live.jpg}}}
  | Live.jpg
  | {{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}}
    | [[Image:{{{Live Image|}}}{{!}}frame{{!}}{{{Live Image Caption}}}|right]]
{{Related|Wiki Templates|Melee Weapon Template}}
== Syntax ==
{{Melee Weapon
|        Weapon Type =
|              Name =
|        Icon Image =  Icon.png
|        Live Image =  Live.jpg
| Live Image Caption =
|              Value =
|            Burden =
|        Description =
| Special Properties =
|            Damage =
|      Buffed Damage =
|            Element =
|              Speed =
|      Buffed Speed =
|    Bonus to Attack =
|      Buffed Attack =
|  Bonus to Defense =
|    Buffed Defense =
|  Bonus to Missile =
|    Bonus to Magic =
|    Player Attuned =
|          Level Req =
|    Base Weapon Req =
|  Buffed Weapon Req =
|        Special Req =
|            Spells =
|    Activation Reqs =
|        Spellcraft =
|              Mana =
|          Mana Cost =
|    Cannot Be Sold = False
== Usage ==
This template is one component of the page template [[Melee Weapon Stat Template]], full details and an example can be found there.
[[Category:Wiki Template]]

Latest revision as of 19:56, 27 November 2016

Template Documentation: Weapon| |_}}/Doc?action=edit Edit Documentation

Related topics: Wiki Templates, Melee Weapon Template

Syntax Edit

{{Melee Weapon
 |        Weapon Type = 
 |       Weapon Skill = 
 |               Name = 
 |         Icon Image =  Icon.png
 |         Live Image =  Live.jpg
 | Live Image Caption = 
 |              Value = 
 |             Burden = 
 |        Description = 
 | Special Properties = 
 |             Damage = 
 |      Buffed Damage = 
 |            Element = 
 |              Speed = 
 |       Buffed Speed = 
 |    Bonus to Attack = 
 |      Buffed Attack = 
 |   Bonus to Defense = 
 |     Buffed Defense = 
 |   Bonus to Missile = 
 |     Bonus to Magic = 
 |     Player Attuned = 
 |          Level Req = 
 |    Base Weapon Req = 
 |  Buffed Weapon Req = 
 |        Special Req = 
 |             Spells = 
 |    Activation Reqs = 
 |         Spellcraft = 
 |               Mana = 
 |          Mana Cost = 
 |     Cannot Be Sold = False
 |Biting Strike Value =
 |Crushing Blow Value =

Usage Edit

This template is one component of the page template Melee Weapon Stat Template, full details and an example can be found there.