(10 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
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| <div style="overflow:auto">
| | {|style="border-collapse:collapse; float:right" |
| <div class="item tooltip-content">
| | | |
| <div id="item_header">
| | {|class="character-infobox" style="margin-bottom:-6px; border-bottom:0px" |
| <div>{{{Name|Name}}}</div>
| | !colspan="2" class="worldbgc"|{{{Name}}} |
| <div>[[File:{{{Icon Image}}}]]</div>
| | |- |
| </div>
| | |colspan="2"|{{#ifexist:File:{{{Image}}} | [[File:{{{Image}}}|thumb|center]] | [[File:{{{Image}}}|center|Image Needed]] }} |
| <ul>
| | |- |
| <li>Value: {{{Value|??}}}
| | |'''Class''' |
| <li class="bottomspace">Burden: {{{Burden|??}}}
| | |[[{{{Class|}}}]] |
| {{#if:{{{Weapon Skill|}}}|<li>Skill: {{{Weapon Skill}}} ({{{Weapon Type}}})}} | | |- |
| {{#ifeq:{{{Damage Bonus|}}}||<li>Damage: {{{Damage|?? - ??}}} {{#if:{{{Buffed Damage|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Damage|}}})</span>}}, {{{Element|??}}}|<li>Damage Bonus: {{{Damage Bonus|}}} {{#if:{{{Buffed Damage Bonus|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Damage Bonus|}}})</span>|}}}}
| | |'''Level''' |
| {{#if:{{{Additional|}}}|<li class="bottomspace">{{{Additional}}}}}
| | |{{{Level|}}} |
| {{#if:{{{Elemental Damage Bonus|}}}|<li>Elemental Damage Bonus: {{{Elemental Damage Bonus|}}}{{#if:{{{Element|}}}|, {{{Element|}}}}}}}
| | |- |
| {{#if:{{{Damage Modifier|}}}|<li>Damage Modifier: +{{{Damage Modifier}}}% {{#if:{{{Buffed Damage Modifier|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Damage Modifier|}}}%)</span>}}}}
| | |colspan=2 style="border-top:solid 1px #e5e5e5"| |
| {{#if:{{{Speed|}}}|<li>Speed: {{{Speed|??}}} {{#if:{{{Buffed Speed|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Speed}}})</span>|}}}}
| | |- |
| {{#if:{{{Range|}}}|<li>Range: {{{Range|}}} yds. {{#if:{{{Buffed Range|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Range}}})</span>|}}}}
| | |'''XP''' |
| {{#if:{{{Ammunition|}}}|<li>Uses {{{Ammunition|??}}} as ammunition.}}
| | |{{{XP|}}} |
| {{#if:{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}|<li>Bonus to Melee Defense: {{#ifeq:{{#sub:{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}|0|1}}|-||+}}{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}% {{#if:{{{Buffed Defense|}}}|<span>(+{{{Buffed Defense}}}%)</span>}}}}
| | |- |
| {{#if:{{{Bonus to Missile|}}}|<li>Bonus to Missile Defense: +{{{Bonus to Missile}}}%}}
| | |'''Luminance''' |
| {{#if:{{{Bonus to Magic|}}}|<li>Bonus to Magic Defense: +{{{Bonus to Magic}}}%}}
| | |{{{Luminance|}}} |
| {{#if:{{{Spells|}}}|<li class="topbottomspace">Spells: {{{Spells}}}}} | | |- |
| {{#if:{{{Special Properties|}}}|<li class="bottomspace">Properties: {{{Special Properties}}}}}
| | |'''Loot Tier''' |
| {{#if:{{{Special Req|}}}|<li class="bottomspace">{{{Special Req}}}}}
| | |{{{Loot Tier|}}} |
| {{#if:{{{Level Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires {{{Level Req}}}}} | | |- |
| {{#if:{{{Fletching Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires base Fletching {{{Fletching Req}}}}}
| | |colspan=2 style="border-top:solid 1px #e5e5e5"| |
| {{#if:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}|ammunition|<li>Wield requires base Missile Weapons {{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires {{{Weapon Skill}}} {{{Base Weapon Req}}}}}}}
| | |- |
| {{#if:{{{Buffed Weapon Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires {{{Weapon Skill}}} {{{Buffed Weapon Req}}}}}
| | |style="width:90px"|'''Attacks''' |
| {{#if:{{{Activation Reqs|}}}|<li>Activation requires {{{Activation Reqs}}}}}
| | |{{{Attacks|}}} |
| {{#if:{{{Cannot Be Sold|}}}|<li>This item cannot be sold.}} | | |- |
| {{#if:{{{Rare Number|}}}|<li>Rare #{{{Rare Number}}}}}
| | |'''Weaknesses''' |
| {{#if:{{{Spellcraft|}}}|<li>Spellcraft: {{{Spellcraft}}}.}}
| | |{{{Weaknesses|}}} |
| {{#if:{{{Mana|}}}|<li>Mana: {{{Mana}}}.}} | | |- |
| {{#if:{{{Mana Cost|}}}|<li>Mana Cost: 1 point per {{{Mana Cost}}} seconds.}} | | |colspan=2 style="border-top:solid 1px #e5e5e5"| |
| {{#if:{{{Description|}}}|<li class="topbottomspace">{{{Description}}}}} | | |- |
| {{#if:{{{Inscription|}}}|<li class="inscription">{{{Inscription}}}}}</ul></div>
| | |'''Strength''' |
| <div style="float:right">{{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}}|||{{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}}|Live.jpg||[[File:{{{Live Image|}}}{{!}}thumb{{!}}{{{Live Image Caption}}}]]}}}}</div></div>
| | |{{{Strength|}}} |
| <!-- Categories --> | | |- |
| {{#if:{{{nocat|}}} | | {{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}|ammunition||{{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}} | Live.jpg | [[Category:Images Needed (Weapons)]] | {{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}} | | [[Category:Images Needed (Weapons)]] |}}}}}} | | |'''Endurance''' |
| {{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}|ammunition||[[Category:Missile Weapons]]{{#if:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|[[Category:Missile Weapons: Wield {{{Base Weapon Req}}}]]|[[Category:Missile Weapons: No Wield Requirement]]}}}} | | |{{{Endurance|}}} |
| {{#switch:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}
| | |- |
| | ammunition = [[Category:Ammunition]]
| | |'''Coordination''' |
| | bow = [[Category:Bows]]
| | |{{{Coordination|}}} |
| | xbow
| | |- |
| | crossbow = [[Category:Crossbows]]
| | |'''Quickness''' |
| | tw
| | |{{{Quickness|}}} |
| | thrown
| | |- |
| | thrown weapon
| | |'''Focus''' |
| | thrown weapons = {{#if:{{{Damage|}}}|{{#if:{{{Special Req|}}}|[[Category:Thrown Weapons: Alchemy Phial]]|[[Category:Thrown Weapons: Non Atlatl]]}}|[[Category:Thrown Weapons: Atlatl]]}}
| | |{{{Focus|}}} |
| }}
| | |- |
| }} | | |'''Self''' |
| | |{{{Self|}}} |
| | |- |
| | |'''Health''' |
| | |{{{Health|}}} |
| | |- |
| | |'''Stamina''' |
| | |{{{Stamina|}}} |
| | |- |
| | |'''Mana''' |
| | |{{{Mana|}}} |
| | |- |
| | |} |
| | |- |
| | | |
| | {|class="character-infobox mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-otherstats" style="border-top:0px; border-top-left-radius:0em; border-top-right-radius:0em; border-bottom-left-radius:.7em; border-bottom-right-radius:.7em;" |
| | |colspan=2 class="mw-customtoggle-otherstats" style="border-top:solid 1px #e5e5e5; cursor:pointer; color:#0645AD"|Advanced Stats |
| | |- |
| | |'''Melee Attack''' |
| | |{{{Melee Attack|}}} |
| | |- |
| | |style="width:90px"|'''Melee Defense''' |
| | |{{{Melee Defense|}}} |
| | |- |
| | |'''Missile Attack''' |
| | |{{{Missile Attack|}}} |
| | |- |
| | |'''Missile Defense''' |
| | |{{{Missile Defense|}}} |
| | |- |
| | |'''Magic Attack''' |
| | |{{{Magic Attack|}}} |
| | |- |
| | |'''Magic Defense''' |
| | |{{{Magic Defense|}}} |
| | |} |
| | |} |
| | <h2 id="Trophies>Trophies</h2> |
| | {{{Trophies|}}}<!-- |
| | -->{{#if:{{{nocat|}}}| <!-- add no categories --> | [[Category:Creature Index]] <!-- |
| | -->{{#if:{{{Class|}}}|[[Category:{{{Class}}}]]}}<!-- |
| | -->{{#if:{{{Subclass|}}}|[[Category:{{{Subclass}}}]]}}<!-- |
| | -->{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Boss|}}}}}|true|[[Category:Boss Creatures]]|}}}}<!-- |
| | --><div class="creaturetooltip tooltip-content" style="display:none">Experience: {{#if:{{{XP|}}}|{{{XP}}}|??}}<br>Luminance: {{#if:{{{Luminance|}}}|{{{Luminance}}}|??}}<br>Loot Tier: {{#if:{{{Loot Tier|}}}|{{{Loot Tier}}}|??}}<br>Trophies:<br>{{#if:{{{Trophies|}}}|{{{Trophies}}}}}</div> |