m (I think that any items retrieved during a quest should be listed at the bottom of the quest guides, it's nice not to have to look for them individually and they can follow the template)
>Arkalor's Bot
(42 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{| border="1"
!colspan="2"|Quest Summary
{{Related|Page Templates|{{mtl|Quest Summary}}|{{mtl|Dungeon Table}}|{{mtl|Dungeon Maps}}|{{mtl|Rewards Table}}}}
|Quest type || ---
|XP Reward || ---
|XP Cap || ---
|Item Reward || ---
|Title Reward || ---
|Starting location || ---
|Timer || ---
|Level Restrictions || ---
|Level Suggestions || ---
|Introduced in: || ---

== Walk Through ==
This page template is used for guides for [[Quests]] and [[Kill Tasks]].

Starting point - Can be an NPC, Town Crier Rumor, text rumor.
== Wiki Code ==
{{Quest Summary
|              Level =
|  Recommended Level =
|          Quest Type =
|          Kill Task =
|        Starts With =
|          Starts At =
|              Route =
|        Repeat Timer = 20 Hours
|    Time to Complete =
|          Contracts =
== Overview ==

Explain in detail how to complete the quest. When ever there is a dungeon involved, link it to that dungeon's page on this site, and provide a link to ACmaps.
== Walkthrough & Notes ==
# First step.
#* Note:
# Second step.

== Lore ==
== Dungeons & Maps ==
A summary of the story behind the existance of the quest, if any. Do not include texts here. Place those under rewards.
{{Dungeon Table
| Table Rows =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon =
|    Coordinates =
|  Wiki Map File =

== Items ==
== Rewards ==
List the items you receive from this quest using the [[Item stat Template|items template]].
{{Rewards Table
|      Quest Task =
|      Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
|    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap =
| Luminance Reward =
|    Title Reward =
{{Rewards Table
|      Quest Task =
|      Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
|    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap =
| Luminance Reward =
|    Title Reward =

== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>

== Dialog ==
=== Opening Dialog ===
=== Rewards Dialog ===
=== Other Interactions ===
== Update History ==
{{Update History|
[[Event Name]]
* Quest introduced.
Event Name
* Update details
== Wiki Code with Comments ==
Template guide - Please use the clean copy above for pasting into the quest page.
{{Quest Summary Temp
|              Level = <!--
* If the quest has more than one level requirement, you can add additional lines to the template.
The level reqs. should be listed from lowest to highest.
|              Level = 60-79
|            Level 2 = 80-99
|            Level 3 = 100+
...and so on
|  Recommended Level =
|          Quest Type = <!--
* For [[Quest Type]], enter one of the following without the quote marks:
** "Solo" (Quests that can be completed alone)
** "Small Fellowship" (Quests that can be completed with 3-5 players)
** "Fellowship" (Quests that can only be completed as part of a large or full Fellowship)
** "Multi-Fellowship"  (Quests that only can be completed with multiple Fellowships, known as "raids" in other MMOs)
** "Locked Fellowship" (A quest that is restricted to one fellowship at a time)
** "Fellowship/Solo" (A quest that is possible to solo, but presents a high degree of difficulty and is most easily completed with a large group)
|          Kill Task = <!-- Yes or leave blank -->
|        Starts With = <!-- NPC name/Object name or leave blank -->
|          Starts At = <!-- Location and coordinates -->
|              Route =
|        Repeat Timer =
* Generally a quest has a 20 hour repeat timer which is listed as default on the template. Current exceptions include:
** "Non Repeatable"
** "2 Days 20 Hours"
** "6 Days"
|    Time to Complete =
|          Contracts = <!-- List contract with link using double brackets or leave blank -->
== Overview ==
* You can add an optional sentence or two here to describe the main quest objective.
(If the quest currently has one, the [[Contracts|Contract]]'s description may make a good basic intro).
* The overview section can be removed entirely for Kill Task guides.
* Prerequisite quests, lockpicking requirements and any other important information that should be read before starting the quest can be each
listed in this section with asterisks (<nowiki>*</nowiki>).
== Walkthrough & Notes ==
* List each step using the <nowiki>#</nowiki> (hash) character.
* Any item placed in your inventory should be linked in the walkthrough using <nowiki>{{Icon Link Small|Item Name}}</nowiki> to display a
small icon and link to the item's page.
* It generally isn't needed to link to an item multiple times in a guide; if you decide to, however, you can use double square
brackets (<nowiki>[[ ]]</nowiki>) around the text instead of an icon link.
* Notes can be listed in between steps using <nowiki>#*</nowiki> (hash asterisk) or beneath the "notes" header (deleted if unused).
* You can use the following colored templates in curly brackets to list, tips, optional steps and warning notes:
** <nowiki>{{Tip}}</nowiki> = Tip: (in blue)
** <nowiki>{{Optional}}</nowiki> = Optional: (in green)
** <nowiki>{{Warning}}</nowiki> = Warning: (in red)
== Dungeons & Maps ==
* If there is more than one dungeon associated with the quest add a {{tl|Dungeon Maps}} for each dungeon inside the {{tl|Dungeon Table}} (see below)}.
* If a map is hosted on the wiki, set "Wiki Map File" to the name of the hosted file on the wiki (e.g. 0139.gif).
* If there are no quest dungeons, delete the table and enter "No quest dungeons." beneath the header.
{{Dungeon Table
| Table Rows =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon =
|    Coordinates =
|  Wiki Map File =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon =
|    Coordinates =
|  Wiki Map File =
== Rewards ==
{{Rewards Table
|      Quest Task = <!-- If the quest doesn't have more than one quest task or objective for rewards, you can leave quest task blank and delete
any additional tables -->
|      Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
|    Max XP Reward = <!-- If an experience reward isn't level based (%), set "Percent of Level" to either "N/A" or to "Fixed". -->
| Luminance Reward =
|    Title Reward =
{{Rewards Table
|      Quest Task =
|      Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
|    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap =
| Luminance Reward =
|    Title Reward =
== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
== Dialog ==
* List all spoken dialog and any other interactions that are pertinent to the guide in this section.
* Use level 3 headers to describe each interaction.
* Each line of text should begin with a colon (<nowiki>:</nowiki>) to enter a line break and indent.
=== Opening Dialog ===
=== <!-- Enter next quest interaction here --> ===
=== <!-- Enter next quest interaction here --> ===
== Update History ==
* Entries should be listed in chronological order starting from the event the quest was introduced to the event the latest update was made.
{{Update History|
[[Event Name]]
* Quest introduced.
Event Name
* Update details
== Quest Chains ==
* If the quest is part of a chain paste this section to the bottom of the summary table (below contracts) for each quest page in the chain.
* Each quest in the list should be enterered with square brackets.
* Set a name for the chain using "Quest Chain" (''without'' square brackets <nowiki>[[ ]]</nowiki>).
|        Quest Chain =
|            Quest 1 =
|            Quest 2 =
|            Quest 3 =
|            Quest 4 =
|            Quest 5 =
|            Quest 6 =
|            Quest 7 =
== Example ==
See [[The Mage Academy]] for an example.
[[Category:Page Templates]]

Latest revision as of 02:13, 9 April 2014

Related topics: Page Templates, {{Quest Summary}}, {{Dungeon Table}}, {{Dungeon Maps}}, {{Rewards Table}}

This page template is used for guides for Quests and Kill Tasks.

Wiki Code Edit

{{Quest Summary
 |               Level = 
 |   Recommended Level = 
 |          Quest Type = 
 |           Kill Task = 
 |         Starts With = 
 |           Starts At = 
 |               Route = 
 |        Repeat Timer = 20 Hours
 |    Time to Complete = 
 |           Contracts = 
== Overview ==

== Walkthrough & Notes ==
# First step.
#* Note: 
# Second step.

== Dungeons & Maps ==
{{Dungeon Table
 | Table Rows = 
{{Dungeon Maps
 |         Dungeon = 
 |     Coordinates = 
 |   Wiki Map File = 

== Rewards ==
{{Rewards Table
 |       Quest Task = 
 |      Item Reward = 
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
 |    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap = 
 | Luminance Reward = 
 |     Title Reward = 
{{Rewards Table
 |       Quest Task = 
 |      Item Reward = 
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
 |    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap = 
 | Luminance Reward = 
 |     Title Reward = 

== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>

== Dialog ==
=== Opening Dialog ===

=== Rewards Dialog ===

=== Other Interactions ===

== Update History ==
{{Update History|
[[Event Name]]
* Quest introduced.

Event Name
* Update details

Wiki Code with Comments Edit

Template guide - Please use the clean copy above for pasting into the quest page.

{{Quest Summary Temp
 |               Level = <!-- 
* If the quest has more than one level requirement, you can add additional lines to the template.
The level reqs. should be listed from lowest to highest.
 |               Level = 60-79
 |             Level 2 = 80-99
 |             Level 3 = 100+
...and so on
 |   Recommended Level = 
 |          Quest Type = <!-- 
* For [[Quest Type]], enter one of the following without the quote marks:
** "Solo" (Quests that can be completed alone)
** "Small Fellowship" (Quests that can be completed with 3-5 players)
** "Fellowship" (Quests that can only be completed as part of a large or full Fellowship)
** "Multi-Fellowship"  (Quests that only can be completed with multiple Fellowships, known as "raids" in other MMOs)
** "Locked Fellowship" (A quest that is restricted to one fellowship at a time)
** "Fellowship/Solo" (A quest that is possible to solo, but presents a high degree of difficulty and is most easily completed with a large group)
 |           Kill Task = <!-- Yes or leave blank -->
 |         Starts With = <!-- NPC name/Object name or leave blank -->
 |           Starts At = <!-- Location and coordinates -->
 |               Route = 
 |        Repeat Timer = 
* Generally a quest has a 20 hour repeat timer which is listed as default on the template. Current exceptions include:
** "Non Repeatable"
** "2 Days 20 Hours"
** "6 Days"
 |    Time to Complete = 
 |           Contracts = <!-- List contract with link using double brackets or leave blank -->
== Overview ==
* You can add an optional sentence or two here to describe the main quest objective.
(If the quest currently has one, the [[Contracts|Contract]]'s description may make a good basic intro).
* The overview section can be removed entirely for Kill Task guides.
* Prerequisite quests, lockpicking requirements and any other important information that should be read before starting the quest can be each
listed in this section with asterisks (*).

== Walkthrough & Notes ==
* List each step using the # (hash) character.
* Any item placed in your inventory should be linked in the walkthrough using {{Icon Link Small|Item Name}} to display a
small icon and link to the item's page.
* It generally isn't needed to link to an item multiple times in a guide; if you decide to, however, you can use double square
brackets ([[ ]]) around the text instead of an icon link.
* Notes can be listed in between steps using #* (hash asterisk) or beneath the "notes" header (deleted if unused).
* You can use the following colored templates in curly brackets to list, tips, optional steps and warning notes:
** {{Tip}} = Tip: (in blue)
** {{Optional}} = Optional: (in green)
** {{Warning}} = Warning: (in red)

== Dungeons & Maps ==
* If there is more than one dungeon associated with the quest add a {{tl|Dungeon Maps}} for each dungeon inside the {{tl|Dungeon Table}} (see below)}.
* If a map is hosted on the wiki, set "Wiki Map File" to the name of the hosted file on the wiki (e.g. 0139.gif).
* If there are no quest dungeons, delete the table and enter "No quest dungeons." beneath the header.

{{Dungeon Table
 | Table Rows = 
{{Dungeon Maps
 |         Dungeon = 
 |     Coordinates = 
 |   Wiki Map File = 
{{Dungeon Maps
 |         Dungeon = 
 |     Coordinates = 
 |   Wiki Map File = 

== Rewards ==
{{Rewards Table
 |       Quest Task = <!-- If the quest doesn't have more than one quest task or objective for rewards, you can leave quest task blank and delete
any additional tables -->
 |      Item Reward = 
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
 |    Max XP Reward = <!-- If an experience reward isn't level based (%), set "Percent of Level" to either "N/A" or to "Fixed". -->
 | Luminance Reward = 
 |     Title Reward = 
{{Rewards Table
 |       Quest Task = 
 |      Item Reward = 
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
 |    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap = 
 | Luminance Reward = 
 |     Title Reward = 

== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>

== Dialog ==
* List all spoken dialog and any other interactions that are pertinent to the guide in this section.
* Use level 3 headers to describe each interaction.
* Each line of text should begin with a colon (:) to enter a line break and indent.

=== Opening Dialog ===

=== <!-- Enter next quest interaction here --> ===

=== <!-- Enter next quest interaction here --> ===

== Update History ==
* Entries should be listed in chronological order starting from the event the quest was introduced to the event the latest update was made.

{{Update History|
[[Event Name]]
* Quest introduced.

Event Name
* Update details

Quest Chains Edit

  • If the quest is part of a chain paste this section to the bottom of the summary table (below contracts) for each quest page in the chain.
  • Each quest in the list should be enterered with square brackets.
  • Set a name for the chain using "Quest Chain" (without square brackets [[ ]]).
 |         Quest Chain = 
 |             Quest 1 = 
 |             Quest 2 = 
 |             Quest 3 = 
 |             Quest 4 = 
 |             Quest 5 = 
 |             Quest 6 = 
 |             Quest 7 = 

Example Edit

See The Mage Academy for an example.