>Adventurer's Golem |
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| {|border=3 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 align=right | | {{Patch Navigation Links |
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| '''November 2007''' | | '''November 2007''' - [[Announcements - 2007/11 - Children of the Prodigal Lord|Announcements Page]] |
| == Turbine Announcements ==
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| === Teaser Images === | | == New Quests == |
| *[http://ac.mystics.de/?module=News&newsid=19892 AC Mystic's Teaser Image] | | * [[Aerbax's Prodigal Tumerok]] |
| *[http://acvault.ign.com/screenshots/full_res.php?ss=10450 AC Vault Teaser Image] | | * [[Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian]] |
| *[http://ac.warcry.com/images/view/45394 Crossroads of Dereth's Teaser Image]
| | * [[Aerbax's Prodigal Human]] |
| *[http://www.dereth.info/index.php?ind=gallery&op=foto_show&ida=2 Dereth.info's Teaser Image] | | * [[Carenzi Plague]] |
| *[http://www.thejackcat.com/AC/Culture/teaser/children1.htm Maggie the Jackcat's Teaser Image] | |
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| === Teaser - [http://ac.turbine.com/?page_id=557 Link] === | | == New Events == |
| | * [[Prodigal Human Investigation]] |
| | * [[Aerbax's Prodigal Children]] |
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| A cold wind blew from the north into Ayan Baqur, bringing the chill of winter even to this desert town. Crouched by the side of the Smoking Axe tavern in an effort to keep warm, Ulgrim the Unpleasant shivered and mournfully tapped his empty mug against the ground.
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| | | * [[Aun Teriona]] |
| “An empty mug is a shame forever,” he muttered to himself. Sensing movement in the corner of his eye, he looked up. The moon was full and very bright tonight, bathing the entire town in a surreal silver glow that seemed very appropriate to the chill in the air. In this light, he saw a figure wrapped in a voluminous cowled robe, coming out of the scribe’s building. The figure paused, twisting uncertainly. Then he seemed to notice the old man staring at him from the front of the tavern. He started walking toward the tavern with a preternaturally smooth stride that reminded Ulgrim somehow of a predator stalking prey.
| | * [[Dojiro Sangi]] |
| | | * [[Hea Rheaga]] |
| As the hooded stranger approached, Ulgrim banged his mug on the ground to get his attention. “Spare a mug of stout for a lonely old man? My family are a bunch of prats and won’t support me in my dotage. Mercy, mercy, a pint for an old man…”
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| No one in town had believed his beggar act for years, but this stranger might yet… The stranger stepped in front of him and stopped, obviously inspecting him. Even up close, Ulgrim could make out very little of the person’s physical form, except that whoever he was, he was big. Almost as tall as some of those mutant Viamontian Knights… From toe to fingertips, he was wrapped in clothing or strips of cloth so that not a patch of skin showed. The only visible detail was a pair of bright, icy pale eyes, glowing almost obscenely in the shadowed blankness of the stranger’s hood.
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| “What… is your name and why do you require intoxicants?” the stranger asked him, in a heavy accent that Ulgrim, well-traveled as he was, could not place. His voice was heavy and resonant.
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| “I’m Ulgrim, the smartest man in these parts, and I require intoxicants to make me intoxicated. Any other bright questions, or are you going to get me a pint?”
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| “I wish to know how you were able to see through my seeming.”
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| “See through your what-ing? Start making sense, tall dark and raggedy. Preferably as you buy me a pint.”
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| “I will purchase a… pint for you in exchange for information. Come, let us enter the tavern-structure together and… pound a pint. So that we may engage in an informal and familiar mode of communication, aided by inebriation. Ulgrim, you old scalawag. Old buddy. Old pal of this-- of mine.”
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| Ulgrim blinked, paused for a moment, and decided that he must have just hallucinated the stranger’s stilted attempt at tavern-talk. He stood and followed the stranger for a few paces before stopping again in the doorway of the tavern.
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| “Hey, if we’re going to have a drink together and talk to each other all familiar-like, old buddy, you should tell me your name.”
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| The stranger stood by a table and fixed his oddly luminous gaze on Ulgrim. “My name… is Rheaga. Of no tribe worth mentioning.”
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| Ulgrim nodded and proceeded toward the table, gesturing imperiously at Berkholt for a round of stouts. “Good. I couldn’t sit down for a stout with someone who was a stranger to me. I’m glad I know your name. You’re not a leper, are you? I mean, I’m not afraid of getting it myself, on account of my healthy diet, but I think it’s a little rude to bring a leper in here and sit on Berkholt’s nice new furniture and drop body parts on the rug.”
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| Berkholt came to their table with two foaming mugs of stout and rolled his eyes at Ulgrim’s comment about the furniture. “As long as his coin’s good I don’t care what he’s got,” he growled at the two of them. “And all the times you’ve stained this rug, it’s a wonder I haven’t skinned you to replace it.” Rheaga drew one of his hands out from within a sleeve in his huge, ill-fitting robe. When he opened his hand, it was full of gleaming pyreal coins.
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| “Take what you require,” said Rheaga, as he held out the pile of coins to Berkholt. The old barkeep eyed the pile, then took all of it with one swift two-handed grab that would have impressed a cutpurse from Corcosa. He gave Ulgrim a warning look as he stomped back to his station behind the bar. Rheaga obviously didn’t care that he’d just paid five times the price, so Ulgrim made a note to himself to try and wheedle some of the difference out of Berkholt later and made no mention of it to his new drinking companion.
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| Sighing blissfully, he picked up his mug and drank half the stout in one gulp. Letting out a long and loud burp, he set the mug back on the table and eyed Rheaga. Somehow Rheaga had drunk half of his own pint, though Ulgrim couldn’t recall seeing him lift the mug to his still-concealed face.
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| “All right, Rheaga, what would you like to know?”
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| “I would like to know how you were able to see through my seeming, when even the most accomplished sorcerers among all of your benighted kind are unable to do so. And then I would find out all that you know about the Virindi.”
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| In mid-gulp, Ulgrim coughed and splashed some stout on himself. He set the mug down, angry. “First you’re going to have to explain to me what seeming means. And then I want to know why you are so interested in the Virindi. And you never answered my question about being a leper! Are you, or are you not? If not, what’s with this weird get-up of yours?” Ulgrim sniffed at him. “And another thing, you smell like a damned Virindi, you know that? Like lightning and old dirty clothes.”
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| Rheaga didn’t move. Not even a blink from his glowing eyes, no sort of indication that he was angry or upset. He responded in a calm tone. “Since I have pledged to engage in no violence, lethal sorcery, or will-manipulation during this excursion, I will answer your questions, though I recognize that the tone with which you modulated your voice is inconsistent with a familiar and informal mode of communication, and is the sort of tone that usually precedes intoxicant-based tavern altercations.”
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| Ulgrim ignored all the fancy words. The guy said he’d answer the questions. “All right, I’m waiting.”
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| “I ask why you can see through my seeming because none of your kind should be able to perceive me with their eyes when I make use of a concatenation of several relatively simple mental manipulation techniques. I am interested in the Virindi because they have knowledge that I am interested in, and I asked you about them because they are interested in you and consider you to be more knowledgeable about them than most of your kind are. I am not currently a carrier of the bacteria that cause leprosy. I wear this robe and wraps to conceal my skin and other physical features that would cause alarm and undue attention among humans, for the occasions when I must interact with your kind. And I was aware that I smell like a Virindi, but I did not deem this knowledge significant because smell is the most primitive of senses, though I do recognize that the primitive human brain places an irrational importance on that sense.”
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| Ulgrim sat dumbfounded, trying to absorb all that this curious stranger had said. It was a rare day when someone in Ayan Baqur could be stranger than him.
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| Rheaga leaned forward, almost eagerly. “Now I believe it is my turn to ask you questions… old buddy.”
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| === Rollout - [http://ac.turbine.com/?page_id=559 Link] === | |
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| Sabithra crept down the stairs as stealthily as she could. She used the toe-first step that had been one of the most basic techniques that Master taught her, and kept close to the stone wall to minimize the chance of a creaky floorboard giving her away. All in all, she used a dozen tricks and techniques to mask her presence from the man she was sneaking up on.
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| The man was an Aluvian with close-cropped blonde hair, of middling height and slim build, outfitted in worn and nondescript dark hunting leathers. He was talking to Rundiscar, weaponsmith of Eastham, about a custom order for a set of throwing daggers… The mask she wore interfered with her hearing somewhat, so she could not make out the details of their conversation. She was within a few strides now, almost at her mark…
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| The man abruptly turned to look at her. She was hidden quite well in the flickering shadows by the base of the stairs, and any normal man probably wouldn’t have noticed her. But Master, of course, could pick her out of a crowd at a hundred paces and perforate the edge of her boot with a thrown dagger. She hadn’t really thought she’d be able to sneak up on him, but it had been a chance at practice.
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| Master’s pale green eyes narrowed and his thin lips curled in annoyance, the most emotion he’d shown since they’d set out on this trip two days ago. “What is that ridiculous mask that you’re wearing?” he asked.
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| Sabithra bowed and removed the mask, then held it up for Master to get a better look at. “It’s an undead captain’s mask, Master,” she announced cheerfully. “See the hat? Very stylish, I think. And I thought the mask festival was over! Alexander made this for me from that head I took when we were –“
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| Master held up a hand, and she silenced herself immediately. She knew her mistake – she had been about to discuss operational details in the presence of outsiders. Rundiscar was a good smith and Master trusted him as much as he trusted any outsider, but rules were rules. Chastened, she stood by silently while they concluded their transaction. Their business done, Master and the smith clasped hands, and Master turned and left the smithy without so much as a backward glance at Sabithra. She followed as he stalked quickly and silently toward the shore.
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| When they were out of earshot of the town, and no one else was visible, Master turned and confronted her. “I could hear you breathing through the nose-holes from the top of the stairs. You still have not mastered your breath, certainly not well enough to wear some kind of festival mask while you sneak. Your eagerness to practice the craft is a virtue, but this frivolity will be the death of you. It seems Adso was not overly critical, as I once believed, of your cavalier attitude towards your training and our rules.”
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| Sabithra lowered her gaze, shamed and scared. Adso had been her “elder brother” once, responsible for training her during scouting missions in the field, but he had since moved on to more exciting pursuits after earning Master’s confidence. Adso’s exasperation and threats during those excursions had been nothing compared to Master’s cool contempt. To hear Master confirm Adso’s withering assessment of her suddenly reminded her of how precarious her position truly was… Because she also knew that Master held the true power over life and death, a power possessed by few in this strange realm.
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| “I apologize for that, Master, and I apologize for almost speaking of our activities in front of an outsider.”
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| “When we return to the haven you will spend an hour in the golem pit, to help reinforce the lessons you have learned today.”
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| Sabithra nodded. “Yes, Master.”
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| He stared at her after that, for what seemed like an eternity. She summoned whatever reserves of willpower she had and forced herself to look into his eyes. Finally, he seemed to find what he sought, and nodded slightly. “Let’s continue on, then. Just two more places to go. First to Cragstone, to speak with Oswent, and then to Linvak Tukal –“
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| Curiosity got the better of her. “Oswent? Forgive me, Master, but isn’t he, an, um…” She wasn’t sure she should speak of this out loud, here and now.
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| “Out with it, girl.”
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| “Doesn’t he serve the Queen?”
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| Master laughed. “Oswent is employed by the Queen. And I am sure he serves her ably and as loyally as he can. It would be bad for business otherwise. But you’ll find, in the practice of the craft, that we sometimes have more in common with the thieves, sneaks, and killers employed by the other factions than we do with the people who buy our services. Just because I tried to kill the Queen once, doesn’t mean Oswent won’t help an old friend out with a little information, since I’m not trying to kill her now. In fact, anything I do with the information I seek from Oswent will probably end up benefiting the Queen. Favors get traded more often than knives in this business, girl.”
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| Sabithra frowned, confused. “So how is it possible for kingdoms to be at war when the assassins they hire have secret arrangements going on?”
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| “Don’t underestimate the value of professionalism, Sabithra,” Master said, more amused now than anything. “There is a sort of honor among killers. Some of us, anyway.”
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| “Does it ever get tough? Dividing loyalties this way?”
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| Master sighed. “From time to time. I could tell you a story about one crazy old sorceress I took a few jobs from… You want to talk about divided loyalties, she probably can’t even remember which side she started on. Stick with me, Sabithra, and you’ll see all sorts of hidden currents of power flowing behind the scenes. It’s the way of life, wherever you are.”
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| “So what do we need from Oswent? What do we need his information for?”
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| “To trace another current of power to its source. I’ll explain after we’ve visited Oswent, when we’re on the way to Linvak Tukal.”
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| === Release Notes - [http://ac.turbine.com/?page_id=558 Link] ===
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| Hello and welcome to the November Release Notes. This month brings many changes to an already turbulent world. Humans and Lugians alike have seen strange happenings to members of their kind, and even the Carenzi on Marae Lassel have been reported to have some kind of strange illness. Lets see what other changes will hit Dereth this month.
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| ====Miscellaneous Changes and Improvements====
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| * We will be running a series of scheduled and unscheduled Live Ops this month. Once we have the completed schedule, we will post it on the launcher and on the official forums.
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| * On the weekend of December 15-16th we will be increasing the drop rate of all Rares in the game. During this time all player who are fighting Rare eligible creatures will have an increased chance of getting a Rare drop.
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| * Orisis had more health then was intended. This has been fixed and his health is now more in line with what was expected.
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| * As a result of the extra downtime we have had this month, most of the timed content that was in for October, will remain in the game for the November event as well. | |
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| * A problem was found with the behavior of the Olthoi Flyers in the infested area of Olthoi North. These Olthoi have been removed from the area until the issue can be properly resolved.
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| * The text seen by players, who have been banned from the game, now has the new link to our ban appeals team.
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| * A few more masks or headgear as it were, have been added in this month. It seems some things just needed some last minute fixes by the mask makers.
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| * Some additional items have been added to the various special vendors throughout Dereth. These vendors are located at the Colosseum, Infested Olthoi area, and the Graveyard, respectively. Make sure you check them out to see what new items they have in stock.
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| * There appears to be some sort of plague affecting the Carenzi of Marae Lassel.
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| * The Prodigal Shadow Dungeon is now a landblock that does not unload. This means that all corpse decay timers will be exact for that dungeon. This also means that players will no longer have to “hold the landblock” to prevent it from resetting.
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| So there are just some of the things we have in store for Asheron's Call in November. Please remember that along with everything listed here, there are several new quests and exciting things going into the game for the November event.
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| == Discoveries ==
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| === [[Town Crier]] Rumors ===
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| '''Viamontian Town Criers'''
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| <font color=Goldenrod>Town Crier tells you, "Most curious. We have heard that Aerbax has twisted and uplifted one of those smelly, savage Tumeroks. Should we worry about its potential power?"<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "We have heard of some kind of infectious infestation among the Carenzi of Marae Lassel. That would be the actual rodents, and not the foolish band of rebels that resists the Viamontian dominion on that island."<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "I have heard of no kidnappings among the population of New Viamont. Clearly King Varicci protects his people better than the Bloodless Queen."<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "Now word is that the mask makers of the Bloodless lands have created an additional set of masks. I am glad our own heritage mask maker is above such frivolity."<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "The Bloodless agent known as Oswent the Pale seems to be seeking the aid of those who helped him before."<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "Rumor is that the vendors at the Colosseum, Empyrean Graveyard, and Olthoi North have improved their inventories."</font>
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| <font color=goldenrod><font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "We have heard that the specialty vendors at the Colosseum, Empyrean Graveyard, and Olthoi North have expanded their inventories with armor upgrades and high-quality crafting supplies. We urge you to investigate, as such commodities could be very valuable to New Viamont."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "Have you worked for Oswent the Pale in the past? Something about an investigation at Linvak Tukal? If so, he may have need of you again. Report to Cragstone to find him."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "New masks from the Bloodless mask makers? I have heard of these, yes. Undead sailors! Who ever heard of such a thing? What foolishness!"<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "The Bloodless scholar Nomea ibn Makar of Qalaba'r is investigating the case of a Tumerok that has been uplifted by Aerbax. One can only imagine what such a beast is like, with such power put at the disposal of a primitive savage. I meant the Tumerok of course, and not this Bloodless scholar."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "The King's sages have noticed a pattern of Aerbax's abductions and prodigal children. We should be on guard, lest Aerbax try to twist and raise up a human over us."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "We have heard that the specialty vendors at the Colosseum, Empyrean Graveyard, and Olthoi North have expanded their inventories with armor upgrades and high-quality crafting supplies. We urge you to investigate, as such commodities could be very valuable to New Viamont."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "There is apparently some ongoing plague among the Carenzi rodents of Marae Lassel. The Tumerok known as Aun Teriona would know more, if you can bear the smell of those beasts."</font>
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| '''Mainland Town Criers'''
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| <font color=goldenrod>Town Crier tells you, "News! The mask makers have decided to make some additional masks this season!"<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "News! Those strange vendors at the Colosseum, the Empyrean Graveyard, and the Olthoi North have expanded their inventories!"<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "Word is that Oswent the Pale seeks further help in his investigations of Linvak Tukal."<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "There's word that some kind of Aerbax-twisted Tumerok is puttering about on the west coast somewhere."<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "There seems to be some kind of plague afflicting the Carenzi of Marae Lassel..."<br><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "We've seen Drudges, Banderlings, even Lugians and Tumeroks warped by Aerbax. Does that mean a human will be next?"</font>
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| <font color=goldenrod><font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "Have you got your late-season mask? The mask makers decided to create some more masks, apparently with an adventurous undead theme."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard about the kidnappings and assaults upon humans? Some people have gone missing. The Queen's agents believe Aerbax is involved..."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "There are reports that the vendors at the Colosseum, the Empyrean Graveyard, and the Olthoi North have upgraded their inventories with armor upgrades and high quality craft materials."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "A scholar named Nomea ibn Makar seeks adventurers to aid in the investigation of an Aerbax-tainted Tumerok. Seek him out in Qalaba'r."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "Have you got your late-season mask? The mask makers decided to create some more masks, apparently with an adventurous undead theme."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "There is word that a Tumerok named Aun Teriona on Marae Lassel seeks the livers of infected Carenzi."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
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| Town Crier tells you, "If you helped Oswent the Pale with his investigation before, he would have your assistance again. You can find Oswent in Cragstone, as before."</font>
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| === [[Ulgrim]] Rumors ===
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| <font color=goldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yes, undead sailor masks. All the rage these days. Very fashionable. But I just find it's not very flattering on my desert-tanned skin."<br><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oswent the Pale is mucking about with Linvak Tukal again, eh? I know what he wants. He's looking for the good luck stones I hid there. Well, someone should tell him he can't have my lucky charms!"<br><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Have you met this prodigal Tumerok that Aerbax supposedly 'uplifted'? Gloomy bugger. Not very uplifted at all."<br><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "First it was bug glands, now they're after Carenzi livers? I've sampled many strange brews in my time, especially when Duke Raoul was running his experiments, but even I think Carenzi livers would make for an awful beer flavor."<br><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yes, I've already been to the Empyrean Graveyard to trade in my coins for some of those new items. I've greatly improved the acid resistance of my stomach, so I can eat as many spicy snacks as I want while I drink."<br><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "First it was bug glands, now they're after Carenzi livers? I've sampled many strange brews in my time, especially when Duke Raoul was running his experiments, but even I think Carenzi livers would make for an awful beer flavor."</font>
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| <font color=goldenrod><font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yes, I've heard that Aerbax 'uplifted' some Tumerok. I met the Tumerok in question. Shared a drink with him. I tell you, Aerbax may have granted him incredible powers, but he can't hold his liquor at all."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oswald passed through here just the other day. I think he was looking for some new recruits. I told him I couldn't work with him, though, because he doesn't let his apprentices drink. Barbarism, I say! Barbarism!"<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Okay, so I know what Oswent the Pale is really after in Linvak Tukal, and it's not my lucky charms. He's trying to find out what happened to Lord Kresovus's pet Mattekar, Balor. I know what happened to Balor. Here's a hint. Stay away from Berkholt's fried steak, okay?"<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I got myself one of those new masks, but I'm not going to wear it in public. Last time I wore a mask that made me look like an undead, I got propositioned by Lady Aerfalle, and who needs the hassle? She doesn't take rejection kindly."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ugh! There's a diseased Carenzi liver floating in this mug of stout!"<br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ha! Made you look. Berkholt's standards of cleanliness aren't quite that bad."<br><br>
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| <font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
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| Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Aerbax is coming for me, next. I'm going to be the next prodigal he tries to uplift. I'm kind of looking forward to it. I always felt like I could dominate the world, if only I had the proper motivation."</font>
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| === New [[Quests]] ===
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| *[[Aerbax's Prodigal Tumerok]]
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| *[[Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian]] | |
| *[[Aerbax's Prodigal Human]] | |
| *[[Carenzi Plague]]
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| === New NPCs ===
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| * [[Oswent the Pale]] (updated)
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| * [[Nomea ibn Makar]] | | * [[Nomea ibn Makar]] |
| * [[Hea Rheaga]] | | * [[Ryukai Hiro]] |
| * [[Aun Teriona]]
| |
| ----
| |
| | |
| === New Locations ===
| |
| | |
| [[Lonely Fortress]] - 56.7S, 88.5W (80+, Quest Restriction)
| |
| | |
| [[Hidden Laboratory]] - 67.2N, 27.1W (150+)
| |
| | |
| ----
| |
| | |
| === New Items ===
| |
| *[[Gladiator's Defense Armor Augmentation]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof Aquamarine]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof Black Garnet]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof Black Opal]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof Emerald]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof Fire Opal]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof Imperial Topaz]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof Jet]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof Red Garnet]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof Sunstone]]
| |
| *[[Foolproof White Sapphire]]
| |
| *[[Undead Sailor's Head]]
| |
| *[[Undead Captain's Head]]
| |
| *[[Undead Sailor Mask]]
| |
| *[[Undead Captain Mask]]
| |
| *[[Bandana with Eyepatch]]
| |
| *[[Undead Captain's Hat]]
| |
| ----
| |
| | |
| === New Monsters ===
| |
| *[[Blight Minion]]
| |
| *[[Demerax the Sculptor]]
| |
| *[[Hea Rheaga]]
| |
| *[[Paradox Simulacrum War Mage]]
| |
| *Paradox Simulacrum (melee version name needed)
| |
| *[[Rheaga's Companion]]
| |
| *[[Shadow Kresovus]]
| |
| ----
| |
| | |
| === Updated Monsters ===
| |
| *[[Skeletal Mate]]
| |
| *[[Skeletal Swashbuckler]]
| |
| *[[Undead Captain]]
| |
| *[[Undead Sailor]]
| |
| ----
| |
| | |
| === Live Events ===
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| '''Thursday December 6th - Prodigal Human Investigation
| |
| | |
| [[Image:Tailen.jpg|center|200px|]]
| |
| | |
| <font color=green>The Town Criers announce, "Tairlen the Tracker has arrived in the town of Rithwic. To those adventurers of utmost skill, Tairlen the Tracker asks for your assistance in a matter of import to all Isparians! Queen Elysa herself has sent Tairlen to find the hidden Portal to a lab where Aerbax is believed to be creating a "Prodigal Isparian" in order to subjugate the peoples of Dereth!"</font>
| |
| | |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Queen Elysa has sent me to investigate suspicious activities, and we suspect attacks may occur."
| |
| | |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "To all here; the Queen has sent me to investigate the possible creation of a Prodigal Isparian."
| |
| | |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "If this acts like the other prodigal children it could be... very bad for us."
| |
| | |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Greetings Everyone! Thank you for answering the call for aid!"
| |
| | |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "I have both the means to find this Portal, as well as a device that should remove any wards hiding the portal from us, but I need all of your help to find it."
| |
| | |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "We expect that Aerbax will send creatures under his control to stop me. We also expect that he knows about my gift for finding things that are magically hidden, so I will be considered a threat to his plans."
| |
| | |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "This is where you all come in! I need you to keep me alive while I track down this lab!"
| |
| | |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "We'll be starting our investigation in Martine's Retreat. In many ways, he was Aerbax's first "Prodigal Isparian", and I'm hoping to pick up the trail there. For all those who are coming, let's go!"
| |
| |
| The group moved out to the retreat. After everyone was there we gathered in the throne room.
| | == Updated NPCs == |
| | * [[Colosseum Coin Collector]] |
| | * [[Hisham al-Evv]] |
| | * [[Hurnmel the Smith]] |
| | * [[Oswent the Pale]] |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Be wary,,,"
| | == New Locations == |
| | * [[Chambers Beneath Linvak Tukal]] |
| | ** [[Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart]] |
| | ** [[Trial of the Arm]] |
| | ** [[Trial of the Mind]] |
| | ** [[Trial of the Heart]] |
| | ** [[Trials Graduation]] |
| | * [[Lonely Fortress]] |
| | * [[Hidden Laboratory]] |
| |
| <font color=red>Monsters spawn. Monsters killed.</font>
| | == New Items == |
| | {{Item Table|Caption=[[Costume Items]] |
| | | Undead Sailor Mask |
| | | Undead Captain Mask |
| | | Bandana with Eyepatch |
| | | Undead Captain's Hat |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Well done"
| | {{Item Table|Caption=[[Exchange Items]] |
| | | Modified Hero Token |
| | | Tracker Guardian Token |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Hmmm. There are magical eminations near here" | | {{Item Table|Caption=[[Keys]] |
| | | Lab Guardian's Key |
| | }} |
| |
| <font color=red>Monsters spawn. Monsters killed.</font>
| | {{Item Table|Caption=[[Objects]] |
| | | Altar |
| | | Energy Cage |
| | | Bag of Stones |
| | | Bucket |
| | | Corpse of Phlynt |
| | | Pillar of the Mind |
| | | Pillar of the Heart |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Someone is sending foes against us to foil our attempts."
| | {{Item Table|Caption=[[Pet Items]] |
| | | Miniature Hollow Minion Chest |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Our attempts to track this prodigal Isparian" | | {{Item Table|Caption=[[Quest Items]] |
| | | Paradox-infused Potion |
| | | Dojiro Sangi's Ring |
| | | Head of Rheaga |
| | | Diseased Tainted Carenzi Liver |
| | | Diseased Mangy Carenzi Liver |
| | | Diseased Carnivorous Carenzi Liver |
| | | Diseased Feral Carenzi Liver |
| | | Diseased Carenzi Stalker Liver |
| | | Diseased Polar Carenzi Liver |
| | | Pristine White Mattekar Hide |
| | | Royal Summons |
| | | Sigil of Linvak Tukal |
| | | Boulder |
| | | Phial of Chorizite |
| | | Red Stone |
| | | White Stone |
| | | Yellow Stone |
| | | Bastion of Tukal (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian) |
| | | Bolt of Velvet |
| | | Chalice of Morkindmity |
| | | Chorizite Pea |
| | | Crest of Kings (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian) |
| | | Crown of the First King |
| | | Cutters Cup |
| | | Gauntlets of Power |
| | | Hammer of the Ages |
| | | Helm of the Crag (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian) |
| | | Painting of the Building of Linvak Tukal |
| | | Pyreal Bar (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian) |
| | | Robes of Grey Dawn |
| | | Sack of Black Opal |
| | | Sack of Brass |
| | | Sack of Fire Opal |
| | | Sack of Granite |
| | | Sack of Green Garnet |
| | | Sack of Iron |
| | | Sack of Steel |
| | | Scepter of Might (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian) |
| | | Spear of Purity (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian) |
| | | Staff of Clarity (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian) |
| | | Treasure (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian) |
| | | Ulkra's Sword |
| | | Balor's Robe |
| | | Bastion of Tukal (Enhanced) |
| | | Crest of Kings (Enhanced) |
| | | Helm of the Crag (Enhanced) |
| | | Powdered Chorizite Pea |
| | | Scepter of Might (Enhanced) |
| | | Sleeves of Inexhaustibility (Enhanced) |
| | | Spear of Purity (Enhanced) |
| | | Staff of Clarity (Enhanced) |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Ahh, I sense something..." | | {{Item Table|Caption=[[Text Items]] |
| | | Letter to Nomea |
| | | Rheaga's Journal |
| | | Virindi Message Shard (Demerax the Sculptor) |
| | | Observations and Instructions: Dojiro Sangi |
| | | Arm, Mind and Heart Upgrades |
| | | Hidden Note |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker looks around the room slowly, eyes seemingly out of focus. | | {{Item Table|Caption=[[Trophy Items]] |
| | | Undead Sailor's Head |
| | | Undead Captain's Head |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Yes, there are signs here. Aerbax has been here lately. I can feel the fluxuations of great magic here." | | {{Item Table|Caption=[[Upgrade Items]] |
| | | Gladiator's Defense Armor Augmentation |
| | | Olthoi Shield Armor Augmentation |
| | | Missile Defense Weapon Augmentation |
| | | Spectral Shield Armor Augmentation |
| | | Magic Defense Weapon Augmentation |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker focuses on something for a moment, and then smiles. | | == New Titles == |
| | * [[Guardian of Linvak Tukal]] |
| | * [[Master of the Hunt]] |
| | * [[Champion of the Hunt]] |
| | * [[Seeker of the Hunt]] |
| | * [[Disciple of the Hunt]] |
| | * [[Apprentice of the Hunt]] |
| | * [[Initiate of the Hunt]] |
| | * [[Friend of Rheaga]] |
| | * [[Slayer of Rheaga]] |
| | * [[Dojiro Sangi's Savior]] |
| | * [[Tracker Guardian]] (Event) |
| | * [[Unwitting Participant]] (Event) |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Got it! I've found the trail! Give me a moment while I summon a portal near to where we must go continue this pursuit."
| | == New Creatures == |
| | {{Creature Class|Golem |
| | | Rheaga's Companion |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Once the Portal is summoned, get through as quickly as you can! Summoned Gateways don't last forever. I'll go last, to make sure everyone makes it through."
| | {{Creature Class|Hollow Minion |
| | | Blight Hollow Minion |
| | | Martinate Hollow Minion |
| | }} |
| |
| Portal summoned to Stonehold.
| | {{Creature Class|Lugian |
| | | Guardian of Linvak Tukal |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Hmmm. There is definitely remnants of the magical trail here..."
| | {{Creature Class|Simulacrum |
| | | Paradox Simulacrum |
| | | Paradox Simulacrum War Mage |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Ambush!"
| | {{Creature Class|Shadow |
| | | Abyssal Shadow Lugian |
| | | Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Arm) |
| | | Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Mind) |
| | | Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Heart) |
| | | Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation) |
| | }} |
| |
| <font color=red>Monsters spawn. Monsters killed.</font>
| | {{Creature Class|Tumerok |
| | | Hea Rheaga |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Well done"
| | {{Creature Class|Virindi |
| | | Demerax the Sculptor |
| | | Lab Guardian |
| | }} |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Hmmm. I am not sure where the trail will lead yet. Let us continue"
| | == Updated Creatures == |
| | * [[Skeletal Mate]] |
| | * [[Skeletal Swashbuckler]] |
| | * [[Undead Captain]] |
| | * [[Undead Sailor]] |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Something magical touched this location"
| | == New Dialog == |
| | ;Viamontian Town Criers |
| |
| <font color=red>Monsters spawn. Monsters killed.</font>
| | ''Free Rumors'' |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Well done"
| | {{Dialog| |
| | |Town Crier tells you, "Most curious. We have heard that Aerbax has twisted and uplifted one of those smelly, savage Tumeroks. Should we worry about its potential power?" |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Hmmm"
| | |Town Crier tells you, "We have heard of some kind of infectious infestation among the Carenzi of Marae Lassel. That would be the actual rodents, and not the foolish band of rebels that resists the Viamontian dominion on that island." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "The trail is definitely leading us west"
| | |Town Crier tells you, "I have heard of no kidnappings among the population of New Viamont. Clearly King Varicci protects his people better than the Bloodless Queen." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "I sense more magical emanation. Be wary"
| | |Town Crier tells you, "Now word is that the mask makers of the Bloodless lands have created an additional set of masks. I am glad our own heritage mask maker is above such frivolity." |
| |
| <font color=red>Monsters spawn. Monsters killed.</font>
| | |Town Crier tells you, "The Bloodless agent known as Oswent the Pale seems to be seeking the aid of those who helped him before." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "From here I can get a better view of the land..."
| | |Town Crier tells you, "Rumor is that the vendors at the Colosseum, Empyrean Graveyard, and Olthoi North have improved their inventories." |
| |
| <font color=red>Monsters spawn. Monsters killed.</font>
| | ''Pyreal Rumors'' |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "You have done an excellent job dispatched these forces."
| | |Town Crier tells you, "We have heard that the specialty vendors at the Colosseum, Empyrean Graveyard, and Olthoi North have expanded their inventories with armor upgrades and high-quality crafting supplies. We urge you to investigate, as such commodities could be very valuable to New Viamont." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Hmmm"
| | |Town Crier tells you, "Have you worked for Oswent the Pale in the past? Something about an investigation at Linvak Tukal? If so, he may have need of you again. Report to Cragstone to find him." |
| |
| <font color=red>Monsters spawn. Monsters killed.</font>
| | |Town Crier tells you, "New masks from the Bloodless mask makers? I have heard of these, yes. Undead sailors! Who ever heard of such a thing? What foolishness!" |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "We are close" | | |Town Crier tells you, "The Bloodless scholar Nomea ibn Makar of Qalaba'r is investigating the case of a Tumerok that has been uplifted by Aerbax. One can only imagine what such a beast is like, with such power put at the disposal of a primitive savage. I meant the Tumerok of course, and not this Bloodless scholar." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "We are a bit too far north. Further on we will descend this ridge" | | |Town Crier tells you, "The King's sages have noticed a pattern of Aerbax's abductions and prodigal children. We should be on guard, lest Aerbax try to twist and raise up a human over us. |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "There are strong magical emanations from this location. I will attempt to break the veil hiding this place."
| | |Town Crier tells you, "There is apparently some ongoing plague among the Carenzi rodents of Marae Lassel. The Tumerok known as Aun Teriona would know more, if you can bear the smell of those beasts." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Protect me while I dispel the magical protections!"
| | ;Mainland Town Criers |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker looks unfocused again, looking slowly about. | | ''Free Rumors'' |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "I think this is the place. At the very least, the Trail fades into a larger magical emination here, and doesn't leave the area."
| | |Town Crier tells you, "News! The mask makers have decided to make some additional masks this season!" |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "It may take me a few minutes to pin down the place to use this device thew Arcanum gave me, so keep me alive! We're close now, and it'd be a bad time to fail!"
| | |Town Crier tells you, "News! Those strange vendors at the Colosseum, the Empyrean Graveyard, and the Olthoi North have expanded their inventories!" |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "How are we holding up?"
| | |Town Crier tells you, "Word is that Oswent the Pale seeks further help in his investigations of Linvak Tukal." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Are casualties heavy?" | | |Town Crier tells you, "There's word that some kind of Aerbax-twisted Tumerok is puttering about on the west coast somewhere." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "I believe if we can defeat this next wave we will succeed."
| | |Town Crier tells you, "There seems to be some kind of plague afflicting the Carenzi of Marae Lassel..." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "I have been well healed" | | |Town Crier tells you, "We've seen Drudges, Banderlings, even Lugians and Tumeroks warped by Aerbax. Does that mean a human will be next?" |
| |
| <font color=red>Monsters spawn. Monsters killed.</font>
| | ''Pyreal Rumors'' |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Well done!"
| | |Town Crier tells you, "Have you got your late-season mask? The mask makers decided to create some more masks, apparently with an adventurous undead theme." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "A Ha!"
| | |Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard about the kidnappings and assaults upon humans? Some people have gone missing. The Queen's agents believe Aerbax is involved..." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "This is what I needed! The Portal is warded from sight, but it's right here."
| | |Town Crier tells you, "There are reports that the vendors at the Colosseum, the Empyrean Graveyard, and the Olthoi North have upgraded their inventories with armor upgrades and high quality craft materials." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Thank you, everyone. Without you all, I doubt I would've survived to find this place."
| | |Town Crier tells you, "A scholar named Nomea ibn Makar seeks adventurers to aid in the investigation of an Aerbax-tainted Tumerok. Seek him out in Qalaba'r." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Here, this chest is full of tokens I had made, so my colleague, Ryukai Hiro, would be able to identify and reward those who aided me."
| | |Town Crier tells you, "Have you got your late-season mask? The mask makers decided to create some more masks, apparently with an adventurous undead theme." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker places a chest upon the ground.
| | |Town Crier tells you, "There is word that a Tumerok named Aun Teriona on Marae Lassel seeks the livers of infected Carenzi." |
| |
| ''Tailen the Tracker says, "Everybody take a token, with my thanks. You'll find Ryukai Hiro in Candeth Keep. Bring him the token, and he'll reward you for it."
| | |Town Crier tells you, "If you helped Oswent the Pale with his investigation before, he would have your assistance again. You can find Oswent in Cragstone, as before." |
| |
| | ;Ulgrim the Unpleasant |
| |
| A chest appeared on the ground. When used it gave you a token.
| | ''Free Rumors'' |
| |
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yes, undead sailor masks. All the rage these days. Very fashionable. But I just find it's not very flattering on my desert-tanned skin." |
| |
| <font color=green>You take a token from the chest.</font>
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oswent the Pale is mucking about with Linvak Tukal again, eh? I know what he wants. He's looking for the good luck stones I hid there. Well, someone should tell him he can't have my lucky charms!" |
| |
| <font color=green>Chest of Tokens gives you Tracker Guardian Token.</font>
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Have you met this prodigal Tumerok that Aerbax supposedly 'uplifted'? Gloomy bugger. Not very uplifted at all." |
| |
| <font color=green>You consider taking another token, but decide that you've already taken one in the last hour, and should not take another so soon.</font>
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yes, I've already been to the Empyrean Graveyard to trade in my coins for some of those new items. I've greatly improved the acid resistance of my stomach, so I can eat as many spicy snacks as I want while I drink." |
| |
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "First it was bug glands, now they're after Carenzi livers? I've sampled many strange brews in my time, especially when Duke Raoul was running his experiments, but even I think Carenzi livers would make for an awful beer flavor." |
| |
| Reward from Ryuki Hiro of Candeth Keep:
| | ''Stout Rumors'' |
| |
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yes, I've heard that Aerbax 'uplifted' some Tumerok. I met the Tumerok in question. Shared a drink with him. I tell you, Aerbax may have granted him incredible powers, but he can't hold his liquor at all." |
| |
| <font color=green>You give Ryukai Hiro Tracker Guardian Token.</font>
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oswald passed through here just the other day. I think he was looking for some new recruits. I told him I couldn't work with him, though, because he doesn't let his apprentices drink. Barbarism, I say! Barbarism!" |
| |
| <font color=goldenrod>Ryukai Hiro tells you, "Ahh, one of Tailra's tokens. You must be one of the ones who aided her in her mission. You should be honored for your service to the peoples of Dereth."</font>
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Okay, so I know what Oswent the Pale is really after in Linvak Tukal, and it's not my lucky charms. He's trying to find out what happened to Lord Kresovus's pet Mattekar, Balor. I know what happened to Balor. Here's a hint. Stay away from Berkholt's fried steak, okay?" |
| |
| <font color=goldenrod>Ryukai Hiro grants to you the title, "Tracker Guardian", for what you have done to aid in the protection of Tailra the Tracker.</font>
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I got myself one of those new masks, but I'm not going to wear it in public. Last time I wore a mask that made me look like an undead, I got propositioned by Lady Aerfalle, and who needs the hassle? She doesn't take rejection kindly." |
| |
| <font color=green>You've earned 169,203,151 experience.</font>
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ugh! There's a diseased Carenzi liver floating in this mug of stout!" |
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ha! Made you look. Berkholt's standards of cleanliness aren't quite that bad." |
| |
| | |Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Aerbax is coming for me, next. I'm going to be the next prodigal he tries to uplift. I'm kind of looking forward to it. I always felt like I could dominate the world, if only I had the proper motivation." |
| |
| This event opened the portal to the [[Aerbax's Prodigal Human|Prodigal Human Quest]].
| | }} |
| |
| == Splash Screen == | | == Related Articles == |
| | * [[Announcements - 2007/11 - Children of the Prodigal Lord#Teaser|Teaser]] |
| | * [[Announcements - 2007/11 - Children of the Prodigal Lord#Rollout Article|Rollout Article]] |
| | * [[Announcements - 2007/11 - Children of the Prodigal Lord#Release Notes|Release Notes]] |
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| [[Image:nov_07_splash.jpg|center|thumb|700px|]]
| | == Media == |
| | <gallery perrow=3> |
| | File:Teaser 200711ACVault.jpg|ACVault |
| | File:Teaser 200711JackCat.jpg|Maggie the Jackcat |
| | File:Teaser 200711DerethInfo.jpg|Dereth.info |
| | File:Teaser 200711Mystics.jpg|Asheron's Call Mystics |
| | File:Teaser 200711Warcry.jpg|[http://ac.warcry.com/ Asheron's Call WarCry] |
| | File:Children of the Prodigal Lord Splash Screen.jpg |
| | File:Portaldat 200711.png|Portal.dat |
| | </gallery> |
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| [[Category:Patch]] | | [[Category:Events]] |