>Adventurer's Golem
>Adventurer's Golem
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Latest revision as of 13:04, 13 November 2020

September 2003 - Announcements Page

Game Changes Edit

  • Player Killer Lite introduced, type /pklite to turn "pink" and fight without the penalty of Vitae or loss of items.

A cold wind touches your heart. You are now a Player Killer Lite.
  • When you recruit a new fellowship member, you will no longer walk over to them once they accept. You will still bow, but you will remain at your existing location.
  • You can now target a creature/player to cast Item Enchantment spells on their weapon or shield.

User Interface Updates Edit

    • There is a new option in the Character Options panel: Automatically Accept Fellowship Requests. If this option and Accept Fellowship Requests are both checked, you will not be prompted to accept when you receive a fellowship request instead, you will automatically join the fellowship.
  • Examine Target Panel
    • Properties of your items are now more organized. One immediately noticeable change is that the protection levels of armor are listed numerically, with the base armor level taken into account.
    • In addition, the icons used for many gems have changed to reflect the icons used in their salvage material and items now list the workmanship in their desciption.

New Quests Edit

New Events Edit

New Locations Edit

Updated Locations Edit

New Items Edit

Lesser Olthoi Bracers Lesser Olthoi Sollerets Lesser Olthoi Greaves Lesser Olthoi Breastplate Lesser Olthoi Pauldrons Lesser Olthoi Gauntlets Lesser Olthoi Tassets Lesser Olthoi Brood Queen Helm Lesser Olthoi Girth Greater Olthoi Bracers Greater Olthoi Sollerets Greater Olthoi Greaves Greater Olthoi Breastplate Greater Olthoi Pauldrons Greater Olthoi Gauntlets Greater Olthoi Tassets Greater Olthoi Brood Queen Helm Greater Olthoi Girth

Warlord of Dereth Token Hero of Dereth Token Warden of Dereth Token Guardian of Dereth Token Defender of Dereth Token Keeper of Dereth Token Olthoi Gland

Brood Matron Nymph Tail Brood Matron Nymph Tarsus Brood Matron Nymph Tibia Brood Queen Nymph Carapace Brood Queen Nymph Claw Brood Queen Nymph Crest Brood Queen Nymph Femur Brood Queen Nymph Head Brood Queen Nymph Metathorax Brood Matron Elder Tail Brood Matron Elder Tarsus Brood Matron Elder Tibia Brood Queen Elder Carapace Brood Queen Elder Claw Brood Queen Elder Crest Brood Queen Elder Femur Brood Queen Elder Head Brood Queen Elder Metathorax

Olthoi Queens: Locations and Findings

Updated Items Edit

New Titles Edit

New Creatures Edit






New Dialog Edit

Town Crier

Town Crier tells you, "I've seen people fighting in the streets. What madness is this? Has Asheron grown so weak that his protection does not suffice any longer? I'll wager that you couldn't beat me if I sloughed off his protection for a bit of sport. Well, if I wasn't on duty that is."

Town Crier tells you, "The Olthoi came all at once. People scurried for the safety of buildings. It was horrible, so many memories swelling to the surface again."

Town Crier tells you, "The Linvak Lugians have warned us that two new Gotrok citadels have been established in the Direlands."

Town Crier tells you, "That gentleman in the tavern said your mother wears steel-toed gromnie hide boots. I believe you should challenge him!"

Town Crier tells you, "No, I did not wager on the outcome, what do you take me for? Well, maybe a very small wager..."

Town Crier tells you, "Four more Olthoi hives have appeared in the north!"

Town Crier tells you, "Yeah? Go pink and say that!"

Town Crier tells you, "Deals made in shadow, brought into dim light and blessed in the blood of the innocent make for a new form of battle on this world. I'm not one to raise a blade against my brethren, but if I was... I wonder, how weak has Asheron grown since being sequestered on his island?"

Town Crier tells you, "I believe I could have been a contender!"

Town Crier tells you, "I hear tell that the High Queen is coming to rid the Olthoi from the surface herself. Of course, I had also heard that she was on the move last month. I'm not so sure I trust my sources anymore."

Town Crier tells you, "If you are visiting Fort Tethana or Candeth Keep keep an eye out for Gotrok encampments. We have received word that they have been busy working on new Citadels in those areas."

Town Crier tells you, "Rumor says there is a new Olthoi hive near Beach Pass and one near the New Cannthalo settlement."

Town Crier tells you, "That fellow Antius was poking around all over Dereth. Perhaps he was looking for a source of this latest Olthoi incursion. I just hope they rid them from this place. I don't want to go back to living in a cave stirring a pot."

Town Crier tells you, "Why is everyone fighting? Can't we all get along?"

Town Crier tells you, "What are we to do, the land is not safe. The Olthoi have come back and they mean to enslave us all."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant

No new messages this month.

Related Articles Edit

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