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[[Category:Weapon]][[Category:<Type>]][[Category:<Special Property>]]

Revision as of 22:35, 10 October 2008

From the Aerbax's Prodigal Banderling introduced in Strange Sightings.

Shard of Harraag's Dagger
Value: 10,000
125 Burden Units
File:Shard of Harraag's Dagger (Weapon) icon.png
A crystalline dagger, crafted from a shard of the dagger carried by the strangely altered Banderling, Harraag.

Special Properties: Multi-Strike, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Cast on Strike, Ivoryable

Damage: 13 - 26, pierce/elec
Speed: 20
Uses Dagger Skill
Bonus to Attack Skill: +15%
Bonus to Melee Defense: +15%
Bonus to Missile Defense: +10%

Base Dagger 400+ to wield.

Casts the following spells: Eye of the Storm, Moderate Dagger Aptitude, Atlan's Alacrity, Defender VI, Infected Caress, Elysa's Sight

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 250+

Spellcraft: ??

Mana: ??

Mana Cost: 1 point per ?? seconds.
