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May 2013 - Announcements Page
- Patch Date: 14 May 2013
- Patch Size: 2256k (Client: 4644k)
New Quests Edit
- Collect Gear Knight Parts
- Gear Knight Phalanx Kill Task
- Disrupting the Mana Siphon
- Hive Eviscerator Pincer Quest
- Hive Warrior Pincer Quest
- Dream Reaver Investigation
- Frozen Fortress Laboratory Quest
- Frozen Fortress Testing Grounds Quest
- Seasonal Quests and Events for May
- Reception Games activated for the royal wedding anniversary.
Updated Quests Edit
- Society Task Quests now award luminance
- Gear Knight Kill Task modified to not overlap with new society phalanx killtask.
- Tou-Tou & Hoshino Kill Task Quests now advance indiscriminately to all relevant creatures in their respective areas.
- Luminance increased for the following quests|
- Defeat Hoshino Kei (AKA Hoshino Kei Must Die).
- Hoshino Fortress Infiltration quest chain.
- Marae Lassel Hive Queen quest adjustments|
- Changed trophy dynamic.
- Changed entrance to final boss room.
- Creatures will now always be present on Marae Lassel even when the Olthoi Hive Queen quest is active.
- Quest repeat timer extended & rewards adjusted to reflect the change.
- Monthly Explorer Society Quests
- 27 days: The Temple of Izji Qo
- 13 days: Tanada House of Earth
- 6 days: Aggregate Crystalline Shard
New NPCs Edit
- Vision of Horror (Yanshi)
- Dark Reshan
- Ladice
- Edweena
- Trathium
- Tressar
- Aldreda
- Drocogst
- Aun Quanah
- Kimberleigh
New Locations Edit
- Hive Eviscerator Burrow - 48.6N, 73.7W on Marae Lassel Plateau
- Hive Warrior Mound - 49.3N, 81.2W on Marae Lassel Plateau
- Masked Preface - 48.1S, 10.7E near Xarabydun
Updated Locations Edit
- The Frozen Valley has had a major overhaul, including fortified structures & the creatures dropping the highest tier loot.
New Items Edit
Contract for Olthoi Hive Queen
Contract for Kill: Gear Knight Squires
Contract for Soc: Mana Siphon Destruction
Contract for Soc: Collect Gear Knight Parts
Contract for Soc: Destroy the Phalanx
Bracelet of Storms
Bracelet of Thorns
Sealed Crackling Key
Sealed Sparkling Key
File:Frozen Fortress Laboratory Attunement Shard Icon.png Frozen Fortress Laboratory Attunement Shard Pile of Gearknight Parts
Hive Eviscerator Pincer
Hive Warrior Pincer
Virindi Sentinel's Message Shard
Translated Message Shard
New Titles Edit
New Creatures Edit
New Dialog Edit
Town Crier
Free Rumors
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors of unusual activity in the northern mountains."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard reports of strange Virindi being spotted in Yanshi."
- Town Crier tells you, "I have reports of several sightings of strange new Olthoi on Marae Lassel."
Pyreal Rumors
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard several rumors of increased activity in the Ice Valley, where the Gurogs make their home."
- Town Crier tells you, "I have several reports that the unusual Virindi is now in Yanshi, and he is once again seeking adventurers."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've had several reports of new Olthoi Hives opening up in Marae Lassel."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant
Free Rumors
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Manipulating the Olthoi; those crazy Virindi know no bounds."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It really is "shocking"."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Seems the societies are going to war with the Gearknights in the Direlands."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Always on the ball those societies. The Gearknights have only been around for over 3 and a half years after all."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The creatures of the Frozen Valley seem to be fortifying their position."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "If you're going out there remember one thing. Stout keeps you warm."
Stout Rumors
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I found some decent loot in the Frozen Valley when I went to visit my Gurog buddies. No Mysticals, but I did at least find some Legendarys."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "What? Some of them really know how to drink."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Just don't bump into a Gurog when it's hungover, they get pretty violent."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Not only are the societies going after the Gearknights."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "They finally took my advice and stopped limiting their members to one piece of armor a day."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "And I hear they're looking on getting into the luminance game."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Always on the cutting edge those guys. With how fast they work, it will only be another year until their Quartmasters upped their stores."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "There's trouble brewing with the Virindi."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "One thing that is sure to be bad is if their problems spill over onto these lands."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The Vision of Horror was looking for some help to take care of those issues, but if you ask me, in the middle is the worst place to be."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I was tired of having to run over hills just to kill a creature so I created the Arcing Spells. Now everyone is using them and nobody is giving me any credit! I think I deserve the title Archmage at least."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ulgrim the Archmage, Master of Time and Space, Leader of the Virindi Resistance, Master Tinkerer, Seer of Truths, Lord of the Jewelry, Supreme Peppermint Cook, Celebrations Advisor to the Queen, Chess Grandmaster, the Shadow Tested, Virindi Regulator and Beer Lord. Yes, that fits nicely with my other titles."
Ansar El-Kerdany
- Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Greetings, Adventurer! We are looking for adventurers willing to explore the Temple of Izji Qo."
- Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Watch your step in that dangerous place. Many trials await you there."
- Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "If you should survive those trials, pick a scroll and I shall reward you upon your return."
- Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "The Temple of Izji Qo is not a kind place. Glad to see you managed to return. Here is your reward."
Esmond Fielding
- Esmond Fielding tells you, "Greetings, Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."
- Esmond Fielding tells you, "This month Sayuji Jina has continued concerens over the Tanada clan."
- Esmond Fielding tells you, "Enter the Tanada House of Earth and deliver the request for Ookami Kiri. Do this and I trust they will reward you with a symbol of their thanks. Gain this and I shall reward you."
- Esmond Fielding tells you, "You survived the students to deliver the request to Master Seijuro? You are a powerful warrior indeed. Enjoy this reward."
Niccolo De Luca
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Greetings, Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "This month Tokashi Ando could use some help in gathering Crystalline Shards. More specifically we think he would find an Aggregate Crystalline Shard highly interesting."
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Explore the Crystalline Crag and retrieve an Aggregate Crystalline Shard. Return to me once you've delivered it to Tokashi and I'll reward you."
Rand, Game Hunter
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "As a game hunter I've tagged a variety of creatures to test your skills. Kill these creatures to test your skills and prove your abilities and I'll make it worth your while."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Virindi Consul, Desecrator, Profane, and Profatrix as the moderate difficulty prey."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Shadow Phantom, Specter, and Wraith as the medium difficulty prey."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged K'nath in the Valley of Death as the high difficulty prey."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Dark Isle Sleech as one of the most difficult prey."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Olthoi Larvae as the other prey of highest difficulty."
Related Articles Edit
Media Edit
1 - Frozen Valley 2
2 - Corrupted Forces
3 - Frozen Valley
4 - Theyre Everywhere