(Redirected page to Category:Golem)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{Exemplar ToC|Golem}}
== [[Lore]] ==
''"Golems are said to be remnants of Empyrean magic, left behind as guardians for their strongholds, both above and below ground. Once the Empyrean vanished, however, they became mindless automatons, attacking anything that comes near. They stand seven to eight feet tall, and are made of many materials, including earth, wood, water, ice, stone and metal. They bash with their club-like limbs, and also attack with magic." --[[Golem (Town Network Painting)|Town Network Painting]]''
* For more detailed information regarding golems and their construction, see the article [[Microsoft Zone Archive/Asheron's Lore/The Golems|The Golems]].
== Stats ==
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Melee Def
!Missile Def
!Magic Def
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Acidic Coral Golem]]
| 100
| 30,000
| 600
| 4
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Coral Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Acidic Diamond Golem]]
| 100
| 80,000
| 555
| 5
| {{Icons|Diamond Heart|Diamond Powder|Pyreal Mote|Sturdy Iron Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Ancient Coral Golem]]
| 115
| 55,000
| 650
| 5
| {{Icons|Coral Heart|Pyreal Mote|Sturdy Steel Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Ancient Diamond Golem]]
| 115
| 125,000
| 700
| 4
| {{Icons|Ancient Diamond Idol|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Ancient Golem]]
| 176
| 1,140,000
| 2,350
| 6
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Ancient Magma Golem]]
| 195
| 667
| 380
| 2,350
| 6
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Aqueous Golem]]
| 175
| 1,140,000
| 2,350
| 6
| {{Icons|Sturdy Steel Key|Ancient Falatacot Trinket|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Atlan's Crafting Golem]]
| 180
| 345,000
| 2,000
| 6
| {{Icons|Damaged Stone Infuser}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Basalt Golem]]
| 80
| 60,000
| 260
| 2
| {{Icons|Basalt Blade|Black Stone|Obsidian Heart|Pyreal Nugget|Sturdy Iron Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Behemoth of Tenkarrdun]]
| 105
| 100,000
| 800
| 4
| {{Icons|Pyreal Nugget|Sturdy Iron Key|Black Boulder}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Black Coral Golem Viceroy]]
| 185
| 3,250
| 7
| {{Icons|Lesser Corrupted Essence|Shattered Mana Forge Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Black Coral Golem]]
| 185
| 500
| 7
| {{Icons|Shattered Mana Forge Key|Sturdy Steel Key|Pyreal Mote|Black Coral Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Blighted Coral Golem]]
| 195
| 550
| 7
| {{Icons|Shattered Mana Forge Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Blighted Coral Golem Viceroy]]
| 195
| 3,350
| 7
| {{Icons|Corrupted Essence (Trophy)|Shattered Mana Forge Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Blighted Oak Golem]]
| 70
| 14,000
| 260
| 2
| {{Icons|Blighted Mana Crystal|Scarlet Red Letter}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Blighted Pyreal Golem]]
| 105
| 48,000
| 460
| 4
| {{Icons|Blighted Mana Crystal|Sturdy Iron Key|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Blood Golem]]
| 125
| 260
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Bound Coral Golem]]
| 341
| 30,000
| 600
| 0
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Bound Crystal Golem]]
| 200
| 300,000
| 0
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Burning Sands Golem]]
| 265
| 15,000
| 7
| {{Icons|A'nekshay Token|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Charged Defender]]
| 220
| 25,325
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Chilled Defender]]
| 220
| 25,325
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Copper Golem]]
| 40
| 7,000
| 125
| 2
| {{Icons|Copper Heart|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Copper Golem Kingpin]]
| 40
| 20,000
| 1,500
| 2
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Coral Golem]]
| 100
| 80,000
| 555
| 5
| {{Icons|Coral Heart|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Coral Golem Viceroy]]
| 110
| 300,000
| 470
| 314
| 10,000
| 4
| {{Icons|Coral Heart|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Corrupted Coral Golem]]
| 185
| 7,180,000
| 800
| 7
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Corrupted Pyre Oak]]
| 300
| 200,250
| 6
| {{Icons|Jester's Cards|Ancient Mhoire Coin}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Crystal Golem]]
| 85
| 23,000
| 350
| 1,000
| 3
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Crystal Golem Imperator]]
| 161
| 35,000
| 20,000
| 6
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Crystal Lord]]
| 161
| 25,000
| 6
| {{Icons|Diamond Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Crystal Minion]]
| 100
| 0
| 350
| 4
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Damaged Glacial Golem]]
| 39
| 7,000
| 139
| 2
| {{Icons|Glacial Golem Heart|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Deep-sea Lava Golem]]
| 185
| 718,000
| 800
| 7
| {{Icons|Shattered Mana Forge Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Deewain (Creature)|Deewain]]
| 350
| 200,250
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Diamond Golem]]
| 100
| 80,000
| 427
| 526
| 575
| 4
| {{Icons|Diamond Heart|Diamond Powder|Halaetan Magic Page 6|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Diamond Golem Suzerain]]
| 145
| 540,000
| 18,000
| 6
| {{Icons|Diamond Heart|Pyreal Nugget}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Diamond Lord]]
| 110
| 50,762
| 645
| 4
| {{Icons|Diamond Shield|Diamond Powder|Pyreal Mote|Diamond Heart|Sturdy Iron Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Diaphanous Nephol Golem]]
| 65
| 14,000
| 200
| 2
| {{Icons|Pale Crystal}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Dire Champion Golem]]
| 115
| 100,000
| 1500
| 5
| {{Icons|Dire Champion Token|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Dust Golem]]
| 265
| 15,000
| 7
| {{Icons|A'nekshay Token|Pyreal Mote|Ancient Tablet of the Crystal Amulet (Level 180+)|Ancient Tablet of the Crystal Sword (Level 180+)|Shattered Legendary Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Elaniwood Golem]]
| 18
| 1,400
| 135
| 96
| 120
| 1
| {{Icons|Elaniwood Golem Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Elite Guardian]]
| 750
| --
| 20,000
| 6
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Fiery Defender]]
| 220
| 25,325
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Fire Golem]]
| 155
| 52,000
| 600
| 6
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Follower of Deewain]]
| 220
| 3,525
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Forest Lord]]
| 21
| 2,600
| 95
| 1
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Wood Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Forge Golem]]
| 125
| 200,000
| 599
| 441
| 3,500
| 0
| {{Icons|Forge Vault Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Fractured Glacial Golem]]
| 185
| 800,000
| 935
| 6
| {{Icons|Ancient Falatacot Trinket|Glacial Golem Heart|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Freezing Mist Golem]]
| 190
| 6
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Frost Golem]]
| 200
| 1,100,00
| 2,350
| 7
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Frozen Glacial Golem]]
| 400
| ~45,000
| 6
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Frozen Ice Golem]]
| 170
| 225,000
| 6
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Gelidite Golem]]
| 95
| 27,500
| 427
| 283
| 575
| 4
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Glacial Golem]]
| 53
| 8,500
| 150
| 2
| {{Icons|Glacial Golem Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Glacial Golem Margrave]]
| 100
| 80,000
| 5,000
| 4
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Gladiator Diemos]]
| 750
| 600,000
| 0
| {{Icons|Gladiator Diemos Token}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Gold Golem]]
| 90
| 24,500
| 425
| 3
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Gold Golem Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Granite Golem]]
| 35
| 4,000
| 148
| 127
| 240
| 2
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Granite Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Great Elariwood Golem]]
| 105
| 700
| 4
| {{Icons|Great Elariwood Idol}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Guardian Blue Coral Golem]]
| 155
| 0
| 517
| 347
| 600
| {{Icons|Blue Coral}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Guardian Golem (Level 215)]]
| 215
| 5,350
| 6
| {{Icons|Key (Guardian Golem)}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Guardian Golem (Level 308)]]
| 308
| 25,000
| 575
| 6
| {{Icons|Trunk Key|Diamond Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Guardian of Diemos]]
| 750
| 1,750,000
| 6
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Guardian of The Secret Keeper]]
| 175
| 5,350
| 6
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Hardened Obsidian Golem]]
| 160
| 500,000
| 1,575
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Haze Golem]]
| 160
| 500,000
| 1,575
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Ice Golem]]
| 14
| 1,434
| 90
| 1
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Infused Blood Golem]]
| 180
| 350,000
| 1,200
| 6
| {{Icons|Infused Blood Golem Heart|Pyreal Mote|Misshapen Bone Fragment}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Infused Empyrean Blood Golem]]
| 125
| 60,000
| 3,500
| 5
| {{Icons|Misshapen Bone Fragment|Pyreal Mote|Infused Blood Golem Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Inner Chamber Guardian]]
| 185
| 370,000
| 1,616
| 6
| {{Icons|Inner Chamber Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Iron Golem]]
| 160
| 500,000
| 1100
| 6
| {{Icons|Iron Heart|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Iron Golem (350)]]
| 350
| 200,250
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Iron Golem Guardian]]
| 160
| 1100
| 6
| {{Icons|Iron Heart|Key to an Archive|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Limestone Golem]]
| 12
| 1,000
| 45
| 29
| 78
| 80
| 1
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Limestone Sentinel]]
| 160
| 500,000
| 1645
| 6
| {{Icons|}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Magma Golem]]
| 100
| 400
| 4
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Black Rock|Sturdy Iron Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Magma Golem Exarch]]
| 95
| 190,000
| 5,000
| 5
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Masonry Golem]]
| 175
| 1,100,000
| 2,350
| 6
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Mighty Oak Golem]]
| 90
| 25,000
| 416
| 280
| 425
| 3
| {{Icons|Tree Trunk}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Missile Defender]]
| 200
| 615
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Mist Golem]]
| 70
| 14,500
| 249
| 300
| 2
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Scarlet Red Letter|Sturdy Iron Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Molten Golem]]
| 160
| 500,000
| 1,575
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Mud Golem]]
| 9
| 410
| 90
| 58
| 60
| 40
| 1
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Muddy Towel|Mud Golem Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Mud Golem Sludge Lord]]
| 18
| 3,000
| 400
| 1
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Mud Golem Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Nubilous Golem]]
| 79
| 17,500
| 235
| 300
| 3
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Oak Golem]]
| 70
| 14,000
| 260
| 2
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Obedient Obsidian Golem]]
| 66
| 7,000
| 200
| 0
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Obsidian Excavation Golem]]
| 61
| 11,000
| 255
| 200
| 2
| {{Icons|Black Stone|Obsidian Heart|Pyreal Mote|Valara Crystal}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Obsidian Golem]]
| 61
| 11,000
| 200
| 180
| 255
| 200
| 2
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Black Stone|Obsidian Heart|Sturdy Iron Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Obsidian Sentinel]]
| 160
| 500,000
| 1645
| 6
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Plasma Golem]]
| 125
| 65,000
| 260
| 5
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Black Rock}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Platinum Golem]]
| 135
| 250,000
| 500
| 6
| {{Icons|Ancient Empyrean Trinket|Platinum Golem Heart|Pyreal Sliver|Sturdy Iron Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Platinum Golem Mountain King]]
| 750
| 4,300,000
| 25,000
| 6
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Pyreal Golem]]
| 100
| 80,000
| 555
| 5
| {{Icons|Pyreal Golem Heart|Pyreal Mote|Sturdy Iron Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Rheaga's Companion]]
| 115
| 615
| 5
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Rock (Creature)|Rock]]
| 200
| 2,175
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Sand Golem]]
| 26
| 2,000
| 159
| 110
| 1
| {{Icons|Sand Golem Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Sandstone Golem]]
| 14
| 1,250
| 115
| 1
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Sapphire Golem]]
| 120
| 67,000
| 1,000
| 5
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Scold]]
| 85
| 5,000
| 3
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Scold Chunk]]
| 65
| 1,250
| 2
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Scold Lump]]
| 45
| 625
| 2
| {{Icons|Scold's Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Coral Golem]]
| 100
| 80,000
| 497
| 336
| 560
| 4
| {{Icons|Coral Heart|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Granite Golem]]
| 110
| 50,000
| 483
| 329
| 590
| 4
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Granite Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Iron Golem]]
| 115
| 55,000
| 451
| 330
| 615
| 5
| {{Icons|Iron Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Magma Golem]]
| 135
| 74,000
| 493
| 372
| 500
| 6
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Black Rock|Ulgrim's Contest Mug}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Mud Golem]]
| 105
| 48,000
| 480
| 336
| 560
| 4
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Ulgrim's Contest Mug}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Obsidian Golem]]
| 125
| 68,000
| 562
| 361
| 260
| 5
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Black Stone|Obsidian Heart|Ulgrim's Contest Mug}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Sand Golem]]
| 100
| 30,000
| 455
| 287
| 600
| 4
| {{Icons|Ulgrim's Contest Mug}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Sandstone Golem]]
| 115
| 55,000
| 490
| 330
| 575
| 5
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Water Golem]]
| 95
| 27,500
| 427
| 283
| 575
| 4
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Water Golem Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Small Wood Golem]]
| 110
| 50,000
| 467
| 329
| 590
| 4
| {{Icons|Wood Heart|Ulgrim's Contest Mug}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Sparring Golem]]
| 2
| 0
| 35
| 0
| {{Icons|Academy Token}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Stone Fists]]
| 35
| 5,000
| 5,000
| 2
| {{Icons|Stone Fists Token}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Tenuous Nephol Golem]]
| 40
| 3,000
| 240
| 2
| {{Icons|Small Pale Crystal}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Tower Guardian]]
| 750
| 20,000,000
| 900,000
| 0
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Turbid Nephol Golem]]
| 115
| 55,000
| 575
| 5
| {{Icons|Large Pale Crystal}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Unstable Glacial Golem]]
| 115
| 150
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Unstable Magma Golem]]
| 53
| 150
| 2
| {{Icons|Black Rock}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Vapor Golem]]
| 115
| 125,000
| 590
| 5
| {{Icons|Pyreal Mote|Sturdy Iron Key|Vapor Golem Heart}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Voltaic Golem]]
| 160
| 500,000
| 1,575
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Water Golem (Level 8)]]
| 8
| 1,000
| 61
| 1
| {{Icons|Water Golem Heart|Wet Towel}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Water Golem (Level 150)]]
| 150
| 0
| 600
| 6
| None
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Wave Golem]]
| 175
| 1,140,000
| 2,350
| 6
| {{Icons|Sturdy Steel Key}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Wood Golem]]
| 11
| 900
| 80
| 1
| {{Icons|Wood Heart|Pyreal Mote}}
|-align=center {{AUTOINCREMENT}}
|align=left| [[Zirconium Golem]]
| 9
| 40
| 1
| None
<font color=darkgray>There are {{#expr:{{AUTOINCREMENT}}-1}} {{PAGENAME}} entries on this page.<br>There are currently {{PAGESINCATEGORY:{{PAGENAME}}}} pages categorized as {{PAGENAME}}.</font>
== [[Quests]] ==
* [[Aun Golem Hunters]]
* [[Atlan Weapons]]
* [[Buadren Quest]]
* [[Black Coral Golem Kill Task]]
* [[Blight Lord Lair Quest]]
* [[Blighted Coral Golem Kill Task]]
* [[Ricardo's Blood Gem]]
* [[Colosseum Bosses]]
* [[Composite Weapons Quest]]
* [[Counterfeit Writ]]
* [[Dagger of Tikola Quest]]
* [[Dire Champions]]
* [[Fetish of the Dark Idols Quest]]
* [[Fishing]]
* [[Gift Box Quest]]
* [[Harbinger Quest]]
* [[Hieromancer's Armor]]
* [[Coral Golem Kill Task]]
* [[Isparian Weapons]]
* [[Jester's Lost Marbles]]
* [[Keyrings]]
* [[Mnemosynes]]
* [[Obsidian Enchanter]]
* [[Olthoi Shield Quest]]
* [[Prismatic Shadow Armor Quest]]
* [[Rumuba's Jade Spear Quest]]
* [[Shadowfire Stone Quest]]
* [[Snowman Village]]
* [[Spear of the Given Heart Quest]]
* [[Tactical Defense Game]]
* [[Tainted Ley Line Nodes]]
* [[Training Academy Quest]]
* [[Ulgrim's Drinking Contest]]
== [[Artwork]] & Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
File:Golem (Town Network Painting) Live.jpg
File:Cold Tracks Splash Screen.jpg
File:Rekindling the Light Splash Screen.jpg
File:Treaties in Stone Splash Screen.jpg
File:Winter's Knight Splash Screen.jpg
[[Category:Creatures by Class]]

Latest revision as of 23:48, 3 July 2015

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