(New page: Introduced in The Price of Loyalty. {|border=1 width=300 cellpadding=3 !colspan=2| Dungeon Summary |- !Location | 59.8S 75.1W |- !Restrictions | 120+, Cannot be Tied/Recalled, Quest f...)
No edit summary
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| Short run south of [[Ayan Baqur]].
| East of [[Ayan Baqur]] near the edge of the [[Obsidian Plains]].

Revision as of 11:50, 15 March 2008

Introduced in The Price of Loyalty.

Dungeon Summary
Location 59.8S 75.1W
Restrictions 120+, Cannot be Tied/Recalled, Quest flag (Speak to Hassim in Ayan Baqur
Related Quests Whispering Blade - Pheraion's Sanctum
Map ACmaps - Pheraion's Sanctum
Route East of Ayan Baqur near the edge of the Obsidian Plains.


At the end of the dungeon, Diviner Pharaion drops a key to open his chest that contains his notes.

