(New page: Introduced in Assault. {|border=1 width=300 cellpadding=3 !colspan=2| Dungeon Summary |- !Location | From Defiled Temple Upper Wing |- !Restrictions | 80+ |- !Related Quests | [[T...)
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!Related Quests
!Related Quests
| [[Tursh]]
| [[Tursh Totem (Quest)]]

Revision as of 11:23, 17 March 2008

Introduced in Assault.

Dungeon Summary
Location From Defiled Temple Upper Wing
Restrictions 80+
Related Quests Tursh Totem (Quest)
Map ACmaps - Reinforced Vault Sewers
Route Take the Zatara portal in Plateau Village at 45.3N 42.3W and run to 77.7N 32.9E. If your mansion has a Tursh Totem, that portals you right there.


At the end of the dungeon there is a portal to the Reinforced Royal Vault.



Category:Phyntos Wasp
