>Arkalor's Bot
m (Text replace - " | Items = " to " | Trophies = ")
m (1 revision: For full history see http://ac.wikkii.net)
(No difference)

Revision as of 12:14, 28 November 2012

Introduced:  From the Darkness Born
Class Ghost
Level 95
XP 28,000
Loot Tier
Attacks Slash
Weaknesses Slash
Strength 200
Endurance 190
Coordination 240
Quickness 240
Focus 300
Self 300
Health 315
Stamina 190
Mana 500
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense



    Phantom Spawns

    Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color

    maps available with downloadable Viewer.