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== Bestiary ==
== Bestiary ==
''Material retrieved from original Zone caches available at
''Material retrieved from original Zone caches available at
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== Armoredillo ==  
== Armoredillo ==  
''Original Link (now dead) - <nowiki></nowiki>
''Original Link (now dead) - <nowiki></nowiki>
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<font color=#FFFFFF><big>'''Drudges'''</big></font>
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<font color=#FFFFFF><big>''''''</big></font>
<font color=#FFFFFF><big>'''Elementals'''</big></font>
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<font color=#FFFFFF><big>'''Geldites'''</big></font>
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== Hollow Minions ==  
''Original Link (now dead) - <nowiki></nowiki>
''Original Link (now dead) - <nowiki></nowiki>

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<font color=#FFFFFF><big>''''''</big></font>
<font color=#FFFFFF><big>'''Hollow Minions'''</big></font>
<font color=#CC9900>
<font color=#CC9900>

{|cellpadding=15 style=background:#000033;color:#CC9900
| [[Image:img_hollow.jpg]]
| A collective shudder of terror went through Dereth's mages when the Lugians discovered an ore with “anti-magic” properties. Imbued with deep resistance to magical power, this ore, known as chorizite, was quickly stolen by human adventurers and crafted into powerful weapons that could punch through magical protection spells as if they'd never been cast.
As if that were not enough, somehow the Virindi managed to acquire their own supplies of chorizite. With them, they constructed a new breed of servitors: Hollow Minions, embodying the very nature of hollow magic. No enchanted armor could withstand their attacks, no mage-invoked protection could block their strikes.

Powerful guardians, the Hollow Minions remain a bane to all who normally crouch behind the shield of magical defense.

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<font color=#FFFFFF><big>''''''</big></font>
<font color=#FFFFFF><big>'''Idols'''</big></font>
<font color=#CC9900>
<font color=#CC9900>


{|cellpadding=15 style=background:#000033;color:#CC9900
| [[Image:img_idol.jpg]]
| When explorers first came upon the shores of the Vesayen Isles they knew little of just what dangers lay ahead; for there, under the final isle, rested the imprisoned form of Bael'Zharon, the dread Hopeslayer.<br><br>Although confine to his crystalline prison, no doubt some of Bael'Zharon's presence leaked into the surrounding lands, tainting the isles with his evil.
In proof, many of the isles' Idols, strange totemic figures carven to resemble Dereth's creatures, seemed to possess a secret, hidden life-force of their own. Such Idols felled many an explorer who believed they had overcome all odds to reach a hidden treasure -- only to have one of these towering creations come bursting to life!


== ==  
== Knath'taed ==  
''Original Link (now dead) - <nowiki></nowiki>
''Original Link (now dead) - <nowiki></nowiki>

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<font color=#FFFFFF><big>''''''</big></font>
<font color=#FFFFFF><big>'''Knath'taed'''</big></font>
<font color=#CC9900>
<font color=#CC9900>


Knath'taed appear as translucent slabs of crystal. They remained another inexplicable wonder of Dereth until the opening of the Caverns of Laeraa in Harvestgain of Portal Year 11. While the town of Xarabydun was built in the upper levels of the cave complex, adventurers recovered literature from the old Empyrean archive in the lower levels. This revealed that the Knath are actually the result of “slippage”; that is, the mana released into the environment when a mage fizzles a spell. This “spilled” mana seeps into the ground, occasionally animating certain types of crystal.
{|cellpadding=15 style=background:#000033;color:#CC9900
| [[Image:img_knathtead.jpg]]
| Knath'taed, once created, are also capable of reproducing themselves. They deposit small, luminous crystalline nodules in well-protected grottoes deep underground. These “eggs” absorb minerals from the earth around them, eventually growing into a new Knath. It is said that the magic power concentrated in Knath eggs can be used to amplify a mage's abilities. 


== ==  
== Lugians ==  
''Original Link (now dead) - <nowiki></nowiki>
''Original Link (now dead) - <nowiki></nowiki>

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<font color=#FFFFFF><big>''''''</big></font>
<font color=#FFFFFF><big>'''Lugians'''</big></font>
<font color=#CC9900>
<font color=#CC9900>


{|cellpadding=15 style=background:#000033;color:#CC9900
| [[Image:Img lugian8.jpg]]
| Lugians, a race of massive gray giants, were among the first arrivals on Dereth. They are incredibly massive and strong - the average Lugian is eight feet tall and weighs half a ton. They live, for the most part, in the Linvak Mountains in the southernmost reaches of the island; rogues and scouts have been sighted in dungeons elsewhere on the island. They are determined, single-minded fighters, and their massive fists, and even more dangerous weapons, can crush a common human with a single blow.
Lugian society is clannish and structured, employing a rigid caste system and a strict code of honor to enforce order among their ranks. Their five castes, from lowest to highest, are Laigus (commoner), Amploth (artisan), Obeloth (fighter), Lithos (champion) and Gigas (ruler). Ascending from one caste to the next is achieved through a bloody battle to the death. Lugians are severe isolationists: intruders in their steadings are slain swiftly and without mercy.
'''''Dangerous'' to ''Deadly''''', depending on caste


Revision as of 17:31, 17 April 2008


Material retrieved from original Zone caches available at

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This bestiary catalogues the known monsters in Dereth.

Be warned that this catalog is almost certainly incomplete. New monsters are constantly being drawn to Dereth through portals from other worlds.


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The Armoredillo

The Armoredillo is a curious creature, covered in a hard shell bristling with bony, foot-long blades. They are solitary hunters, ranging in size from three to six-feet long. Different breeds dwell in deserts, plains, mountains, and shallow water. They attack with their beaked jaws and their spine blades. Their spinning attack is particularly devastating. It is rumored that skilled artisans can shape Armoredillo blades into wicked weapons.

Dangerous to Deadly, depending on breed


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See Guardian Chief.


Banderlings are the larger cousins of Drudges, Mosswarts and Tumeroks. They are even less intelligent than other humanoids, but make up for this with sheer brutality. They prefer to fight in small packs, using heavy weapons or their sharp claws. On average, they stand seven feet tall, though their chiefs are even larger. Forest-dwellers by nature, they can also be found in Tumerok strongholds and dungeons near the Aluvian lands.

Dangerous (leaders: Deadly)

Cattle (and Auroch)

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Cattle in Dereth come in two varieties: the common domesticated Cow and the large Auroch. Cows tend to be found near human establishments and are non-aggressive. Aurochs, recognizable by their shaggy coats and log horns, roam the grasslands; they do not attack on sight, but will defend their herd of it is threatened. Tales speak of even deadlier types of Auroch who dwell on the plains north of the Gharu'ndim lands.

Cows: Weak; Aurochs: Dangerous


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Appearing during the autumn season, these manikins of sticks and straw seemed benign enough. . . at first. Believed to have come through the same portals that draw the Isparians to Dereth, many took these Scarecrows for a touching reminder of home.

Until, that is, suspicion grew about these pumpkin-headed figures. Were they indeed drawn from the world of Ispar, or simply Virindi-crafted puppets?


Many claimed these were less some form of Snow Golem and more strange creatures drawn from Ispar into Dereth (as with the Scarecrows). Appearing during the winter months, many Snowmen added a festive spirit to the season; in fact, it was rumored that one hidden Snowman vendor even sold unique and frosty food.

Other Snowmen, however, proved less than jolly, demonstrating just how much damage a hurled ball of ice could cause.


Found only in the training halls, Targets are principally fashioned from straw or oak. Built to provide new arrivals to Dereth a chance to hone their melee skills, none of these Targets has ever fought back. Yet.


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See Skulkers in Twilight.


Drudges are by far the weakest of the humanoid races, and are often kept by their stronger cousins as slaves or grunt warriors. They often scavenge on the fringes of human lands, preying on the weak and defenseless, and also lurk in shallow dungeons. Most of them stand about four feet tall, and fight with their claws; some employ crude weapons like knives and clubs. In combat, they attack in packs, and with little discipline. Be warned: there are a few varieties of Drudges that are more dangerous than the norm.

Feeble to Weak, with the exceptional noted


Original Link (now dead) -


Walking embodiments of pure natural force, both Fire and Electrical Elementals have been so far encountered in the world. It may be that Elementals are spawned by the very turbulent nature of Dereth itself; after all, they seem to appear where nature occurs at its most violent (consider volcanic Aerlinthe Isle). Or, perhaps Elementals are the result of ancient Empyrean magic -- mystic creations, like the Golems. If true, the Empyrean are no longer here to confirm this theory. And the Elementals refuse to say.


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The trap used by the Empyrean to contain Bael'Zharon took the form of a spinning array of six crystals. In the act of containing him, this array was fractured into its component pieces. These “Soul Crystals” were sealed away, later to be encountered by human adventurers in the form of the Great Work of Frore; the Nexus Crystal; the Fenmalain, Shendolain, and Caulnalain Crystals; and the Shard of the Herald found under the Ithaenc Cathedral.

As the Soul Crystals were destroyed, Isparians encountered increasing numbers of Crystal Fragments wandering the face of Dereth. It would seem that the magic used to create the Soul Crystals was powerful enough to survive their shattering. These Fragments continue to wander the world, and judging by their persistent appearances, are somehow self-replicating.

Fragments are multi-faceted, humming crystals that levitate above the ground. Although they are encountered sporadically, these relics of potent magic force should never be regarded lightly. Fragment material is a powerful resource once one is subdued -- a vital component of Isparian Shadowhunter Armor.

Types of Fragments include:

  • Broken Fragment
  • Fragment
  • Dual Fragment



Original Link (now dead) -


While not technically a separate species, the Gelidite undead deserve special mention.

The Gelidites were once living Empyreans from Gelid, a frigid plateau in the north of the ancient necromantic Kingdom of Dericost. Defeated and placed on reservations by Asheron's people, the Gelidites later escaped to the Lost Wish Mountain Range of Dereth. Returning to the forbidden arts of their ancestors, they sought to meet their own apocalyptic prophesies in undeath, and so carved the “Lost City” of Frore out of the cold granite of the mountains.

In the bowels of the mountains, the Gelidites discovered one of the Soul Crystals in which the soul of Bael'Zharon, the dread Hopeslayer, lay imprisoned. This Crystal, and its subsequent use, became their “Great Work” -- draining Dereth of heat and plunging all into a sudden season of winter.

When Isparians destroyed the Great Work to restore warmth to the world, most of the Gelidite sect was destroyed. Their leaders Ferundi, Fenngar, Frisander, and Frisirth were slain. Only a few Gelidites now remain, voluntarily entombed in their frigid, empty city, waiting for the end of time.

For more information on the Gelidites, copies of their texts “The Book of Minesh” and “Our Great Work” may be purchased from the scribes of Hebian-to and Zaikhal, respectively.



Original Link (now dead) -

See Chiseled Forms.


Golems are said to be remnants of Empyrean magic, left behind as guardians for their strongholds, both above and below ground. Now that the Empyrean have vanished, however, they have become mindless automatons, attacking anything that comes near. They stand seven to eight feet tall, and are made of many materials, including earth, wood, water, ice, stone and metal. They bash with their club-like limbs, and some also attack with magic.

Dangerous to Lethal, depending on material


Original Link (now dead) -

The Grievver

The scholars of the Zaikhal Arcanum originally titled the Grievvers "Gria'venir," after a race of spider-daemons in Gharu'ndim mythology. This was quickly slurred into something more pronounceable and appropriate; all too often, those who have encountered a Grievver have been found reeling beside a lifestone, bemoaning the loss of irreplaceable equipment.

These spindly, agile creatures appear fragile, due to their thin limbs and slender profile. However, they are quite resistant to magic and are vicious in melee combat. A few varieties can even cast powerful magic themselves, and reports state that some spit acid, while others, through some unknown ability, produce lightning.

Grievvers have only recently begun to appear in the company of Shadows. Prevailing theory holds that they were once Olthoi, or, more likely, some other species of creature from the magicless insect world. It is believed that the forces of Bael'Zharon, seeking to exploit their natural resistance to the arcane arts, twisted them to serve as warriors in the Shadow army.


Original Link (now dead) -

See Gromnies: Collectors' Hunt.


The Gromnie is a ferocious, draconian predator. Breeds of different colors dwell in deserts, mountains, forests, glaciers and swamps, and some have also found their way underground. They stand from three to five feet tall at the shoulder. They are extremely aggressive and vicious, ravaging their victims with tooth and claw. In addition, they are known to spit various breath weapons -- fire, ice, lightning or acid, depending on their breed.

Dangerous to Deadly, depending on breed

Hollow Minions

Original Link (now dead) -

Hollow Minions

A collective shudder of terror went through Dereth's mages when the Lugians discovered an ore with “anti-magic” properties. Imbued with deep resistance to magical power, this ore, known as chorizite, was quickly stolen by human adventurers and crafted into powerful weapons that could punch through magical protection spells as if they'd never been cast.

As if that were not enough, somehow the Virindi managed to acquire their own supplies of chorizite. With them, they constructed a new breed of servitors: Hollow Minions, embodying the very nature of hollow magic. No enchanted armor could withstand their attacks, no mage-invoked protection could block their strikes.

Powerful guardians, the Hollow Minions remain a bane to all who normally crouch behind the shield of magical defense.

Original Link (now dead) -


When explorers first came upon the shores of the Vesayen Isles they knew little of just what dangers lay ahead; for there, under the final isle, rested the imprisoned form of Bael'Zharon, the dread Hopeslayer.

Although confine to his crystalline prison, no doubt some of Bael'Zharon's presence leaked into the surrounding lands, tainting the isles with his evil.

In proof, many of the isles' Idols, strange totemic figures carven to resemble Dereth's creatures, seemed to possess a secret, hidden life-force of their own. Such Idols felled many an explorer who believed they had overcome all odds to reach a hidden treasure -- only to have one of these towering creations come bursting to life!


Original Link (now dead) -


Knath'taed appear as translucent slabs of crystal. They remained another inexplicable wonder of Dereth until the opening of the Caverns of Laeraa in Harvestgain of Portal Year 11. While the town of Xarabydun was built in the upper levels of the cave complex, adventurers recovered literature from the old Empyrean archive in the lower levels. This revealed that the Knath are actually the result of “slippage”; that is, the mana released into the environment when a mage fizzles a spell. This “spilled” mana seeps into the ground, occasionally animating certain types of crystal.

Knath'taed, once created, are also capable of reproducing themselves. They deposit small, luminous crystalline nodules in well-protected grottoes deep underground. These “eggs” absorb minerals from the earth around them, eventually growing into a new Knath. It is said that the magic power concentrated in Knath eggs can be used to amplify a mage's abilities.


Original Link (now dead) -


Lugians, a race of massive gray giants, were among the first arrivals on Dereth. They are incredibly massive and strong - the average Lugian is eight feet tall and weighs half a ton. They live, for the most part, in the Linvak Mountains in the southernmost reaches of the island; rogues and scouts have been sighted in dungeons elsewhere on the island. They are determined, single-minded fighters, and their massive fists, and even more dangerous weapons, can crush a common human with a single blow.

Lugian society is clannish and structured, employing a rigid caste system and a strict code of honor to enforce order among their ranks. Their five castes, from lowest to highest, are Laigus (commoner), Amploth (artisan), Obeloth (fighter), Lithos (champion) and Gigas (ruler). Ascending from one caste to the next is achieved through a bloody battle to the death. Lugians are severe isolationists: intruders in their steadings are slain swiftly and without mercy.

Dangerous to Deadly, depending on caste

Original Link (now dead) -


Original Link (now dead) -


Original Link (now dead) -



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Cateegory:Internet Lore Article