Uncooked Ginger Bread Pumpkin

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Introduced:  Tricks and Treats
Uncooked Ginger Bread Pumpkin
  • Value: 2
  • Burden: 50
  • This item is used in cooking.
  • This item cannot be sold.



Heavy Grinder, Pumpkin Cookie Cutter
1 Flour, 1 Water, 1 Ginger
1 Uncooked Ginger Bread Pumpkin
  • Steps:
  1. Use Flour on Water to create Dough.
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  2. Use Heavy Grinder on Ginger to create Ground Ginger.
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  3. Use Ground Ginger on Dough to create Ginger Bread Dough.
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  4. Use Pumpkin Cookie Cutter on Ginger Bread Dough to create Uncooked Ginger Bread Pumpkin.
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You grind the ginger.

You make some ginger bread dough.

You cut out an Uncooked Ginger Bread Pumpkin.