This skill allows you to make Potions, Infusions, Oils, Powders, Gems, and Alchemical Throwing Phials. Use of Alchemical Throwing Phials requires a specific base Alchemy to throw for each level of phial.
Skill Costs
Train: 6
Specialize: 6
(Coordination + Focus) / 3
Alembic - Used to distill raw ingredients.
Aqua Incanta - Base material for oils.
Eye Dropper - Reconstitutes concentrated items (eg Infusions Pea into several Infusions).
Mortar and Pestle - Grinds and crushes raw ingredients.
Neutral Balm - Base material for dyes, potions, and some special oils.
Splitting Tool - Breaks open component peas (eg Pyreal Pea becomes 20 scarabs).
Use this link to get all information for making potions, elixers, and dispell potions
[1]Maggic the Jackcat's Alchemy Page
Alchemy Tool Use On Item To Produce Difficulty
At 50%Alembic Brimstone Acid Infusion 55 Alembic Stibnite Bloodhunter Infusion 55 Alembic Quicksilver Bloodseeker Infusion 55 Alembic Cadmia Bludgeoning Infusion 55 Alembic Turpeth Fire Infusion 55 Alembic Colcothar Frost Infusion 55 Alembic Vitriol Health Infusion 55 Alembic Cobalt Lightning Infusion 55 Alembic Gypsum Mana Infusion 55 Alembic Ginseng Piercing Infusion 55 Alembic Verdigris Slashing Infusion 55 Alembic Realgar Victual Infusion 55
Alchemy Item Use On Item To Produce Difficulty
At 50%Acid Infusion Aqua Incanta Acid Oil 75 Bloodhunter Infusion Aqua Incanta Bloodhunter Oil 75 Bloodseeker Infusion Aqua Incanta Bloodseeker Oil 75 Bludgeoning Infusion Aqua Incanta Bludgeoning Oil 75 Fire Infusion Aqua Incanta Fire Oil 75 Frost Infusion Aqua Incanta Frost Oil 75 Health Infusion Aqua Incanta Health Oil 75 Lightning Infusion Aqua Incanta Lightning Oil 75 Mana Infusion Aqua Incanta Mana Oil 75 Piercing Infusion Aqua Incanta Piercing Oil 75 Slashing Infusion Aqua Incanta Slashing Oil 75 Victual Infusion Aqua Incanta Victual Oil 75
Alchemy Item Use On Item To Produce Difficulty
At 50%Concentrated Aqua Incanta Pyreal Mote 5x Aqua Vitae 50 Concentrated Aqua Incanta Pyreal Sliver 10x Aqua Vitae 60 Concentrated Aqua Incanta Pyreal Nugget 25x Aqua Vitae 70 Concentrated Aqua Incanta Pyreal Bar 55x Aqua Vitae 80 Concentrated Aqua Incanta Quality Ingot 125 Aqua Vitae ??? <=150
Alchemy Item Use On Item To Produce Difficulty
At 50%File:Ground Chorizite icon.png Ground Chorizite Vitriol Chorizite No Fail