Introduced: | Who Watches the Virindi? | Updated: | What Once was Lost, The Quest for Freedom |
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- Hand the Rare Exchanger two MMD notes, and then a single-use Rare gem. In exchange, he will return a random single-use Rare gem (equal chance for all) or a Exquisite Casino Key.
- Rare Exchanger tells you, "Hello, and welcome! I offer the chance of a new rare gem, every time is a winner! If you'd like to get a pull from the bag of gems just hand me two MMDs and then a rare gem. In return you will get a new rare gem or a grand casino ke."
- You allow Rare Exchanger to examine your Artificer's Crystal.
- Rare Exchanger tells you, "Please give me an MMD first, then try handing me this rare gem again."
- You hand over 2 of your Trade Notes (250,000)
- Rare Exchanger tells you, "Great! Now all I need from you is a rare gem for you to get a pull from the bag of gems."
- You hand over 1 of your Artificer's Crystals.
- Rare Exchanger gives you Monarch's Crystal.
- Rare Exchanger tells you, "I hope you got something you wanted, if not why not try again?"
Update History
- Cost was increased during the What Once was Lost event to two MMD notes. NPC dialog still indicates it only costs one MMD note, however.
- During the The Quest for Freedom event, the Rare Exchangers were updated to include Exquisite Casino Keys.