Introduced: | Shattering the Dark | Related Quests: | Shadow Aspect of Grael Quest |
- Value: 15,000
- Burden: 150
- A decorative Black Spear, made fromt he remains of the Broken Black Spear wielded by the Shadow Aspect of Grael. This spear may be placed on Floor or Yard Hooks, where it can then be used to gain the spells that it casts.
- Obtained by giving the Shard of the Black Spear to Abbess Zik'Lir.
- Casts Shadow's Heart, Regeneration Other Incantation, Rejuvenation Other Incantation, and Mana Renewal Other Incantation.
- The spells last 2 hours and there's a 20 hour real time timer on using the device.
- The timer is shared by all three variations of the Black Spear.