Alfrin's Stolen Supplies

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Related topics: Holtburg Starter Quests

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Alfrin's Stolen Supplies
Level: Any
Type: Solo
Starts With: Optional: Alfrin
Starts At: Optional: 42.1N, 33.8E in Holtburg
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Drudge Hideout


Alfrin, who can be found in Holtburg's bar, aspires to be a farmer - but drudges keep stealing his supplies. Head to the Drudge Hideout at 41.4N, 33.3E, recover his seed bags and then find and slay the Drudge Robber Baron and bring its severed head to Alfrin.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Proceed to the Drudge Hideout near Holtburg at 41.3N, 33.3E.
  2. Locate and pickup the Bag of Corn Seed, Bag of Rye Seed and Bag of Wheat Seed from the dungeon floor.
  3. Locate and kill the Drudge Robber Baron and loot Robber Baron Head.
  4. Return to Alfrin and give him the bags of seed and the head for experience rewards.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Drudge Hideout 41.4N, 33.3E -- 019E


Retrieve Bag of Rye Seed
Experience: 5,000 (Fixed)
Retrieve Bag of Wheat Seed
Experience: 5,000 (Fixed)
Retrieve Bag of Corn Seed
Experience: 5,000 (Fixed)
Retrieve Robber Baron Head
Experience: 10,000 (Fixed)


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Opening Dialog

Alfrin tells you, "Hello, hello! May I buy you a drink? Oh ... no, I am out of pyreal again. I had forgotten. That is the danger of drowning your troubles, I suppose - you may forget the troubles in the drink, but you forget everything else as well!"

Alfrin tells you, "My troubles? How kind of you to ask. I would be happy to tell you my troubles! You see, I am a farmer ... well, all right ... an aspiring farmer. I just know that I could be a good farmer if I could but get the seed in the ground. But drudges keep stealing my seed!"

Alfrin tells you, "If you could retrieve my seed bags for me - all three of them - and perhaps bring me the head of the dastardly drudge who is behind the theft, I will reward you well. You can find the drudges in their nearby Hideout; Wilomine at the bar has directions."
Handing in Bag of Rye Seed

You give Alfrin Bag of Rye Seed.

Alfrin tells you, "My rye! Thank you!"

You've earned 5,000 experience.
Handing in Bag of Wheat Seed

You give Alfrin Bag of Wheat Seed.

Alfrin tells you, "My wheat! Thank you!"

You've earned 5,000 experience.
Handing in Bag of Corn Seed

You give Alfrin Bag of Corn Seed.

Alfrin tells you, "My corn! Thank you!"

You've earned 5,000 experience.
Handing in Robber Baron Head

You give Alfrin Robber Baron Head.

Alfrin tells you, "You killed that brute that stole my seed! Thank you so much! You are truly a hero worthy of the name."

You've earned 10,000 experience.

Alfrin tells you, "If you are looking for more adventure friend - and you certainly seem to be good at it - you might want to peruse the rumors that Wilomine has at the bar. Or perhaps you should journey to Shoushi. I hear that there are many good people there who may need your help!"

Update History

The Calm

  • Quest introduced.