See also Category:Knathtead

AC:DM Bestiary Description

Knath’taed appear as translucent slabs of crystal. They remained another inexplicable wonder of Dereth until the opening of the Caverns of Laeraa in Harvestgain of Portal Year 11. While the town of Xarabydun was built in the upper levels of the cave complex, adventurers recovered literature from the old Empyrean archive in the lower levels. This revealed that the Knath are actually the result of “slippage,” that is, the mana released into the environment when a mage fizzles a spell. This “spilled” mana seeps into the ground, occasionally animating certain types of crystal.

Knath’taed, once created, are also capable of reproducing themselves. They deposit small, luminous crystalline nodules in well-protected grottos deep underground. These “eggs” absorb minerals from the earth around them, eventually growing into a new Knath. It is said that the magic power concentrated in Knath eggs can be used to amplify a mage’s abilities.


Name Lvl XP Heath Stam Mana Loot Tier Trophies
K'nath An'dras 155 225000 3000 2700 2000 7 Brown Lump
K'nath B'orret 215 ??? 5000 5000 5000 ??? ??
K'nath C'ire 215 ??? 5000 ??? ??? ??? ??
K'nath D'Nob 11 700 65 130 75 1 ??
K'nath I'km 155 225000 3000 2700 2000 7 Brown Lump
K'nath Mother 275 2,000,000 50,000 ??? ??? ??? K'nath Core
K'nath N'aes 155 225000 3000 2700 2000 7 Brown Lump
K'nath N'gell 7 700 55 160 40 1 ??
K'nath N'osaj 11 700 60 100 40 1 ??
K'nath R'ajed 215 ??? 5000 ??? ??? ??? ??
K'nath S'hirc 155 225000 3000 2700 2000 7 Brown Lump
K'nath S'tath 9 ?? 90 170 50 1 ??
K'nath T'amt 155 225000 3000 2700 2000 7 Brown Lump
K'nath T'aed 14 ?? 90 180 90 1 ??
K'nath Thea'reh 155 225000 3000 2700 2000 7 Brown Lump
K'nath Y'bot 215 ??? 5000 ??? ??? ??? ??
K'nath Z'bog 5 700 50 150 30 1 ??