
According to Maggie's site, this quest originally rewarded 18,730,000 for the worn token.

The wiki guide currently (as of this edit) lists the reward as 18,730,000 for the worn token or for not killing Andrilos. The wiki also lists this as 5% exp up to an unknown level, but that cap would have been:

  • 5% at level 155 = 18,433,426.
  • 5% at level 156 = 18,897,133.

My comment below lists the reward as being 14,839,999 at level 123, with the 6% experience trinket bonus. That would be 14,840,000 capped with +6% (retail had that wierd rounding), which would be 14,000,000 without the bonus exp.

--An Adventurer (talk) 14:13, 28 August 2020 (UTC)

Learning From Experience updates:

@ 123 w/ 6%: 14,839,999 (cap)

--An Adventurer 09:14, 13 June 2011 (EST)