Encrusted Key

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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Lubziklan al-Luq's Stolen Goods Updated:  The Calm
Encrusted Key
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 135
  • Use this item on a locked door or chest to unlock it.
  • Number of uses remaining: 3
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • A dull gray key from the Sea Temple Catacombs near Yaraq.


Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "Can I help you, traveler? I am the owner of these orchards. Please, make haste. I must give thought to the Drudge band which is stealing my harvest."
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "I need someone willing to protect my poor trees - willing to slay the Drudges in my orchard to the north of Yaraq, and bring back any of my Cove Apples that they've stolen."

You give Lubziklan al-Luq Cove Apple.
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "One of my Cove Apples! And taken from a Drudge, no doubt. Perhaps you can help me. One of those filthy pests stole another of my daughter's apple pies from the sill."
Lubziklan al-Luq gives you Encrusted Key.
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "Take this key and travel to the Mesa Ruin in the hills west of Yaraq's North Outpost. That is where the band of mewling pests reside. Kill them, and bring back that pie!"

You give Lubziklan al-Luq Warm Apple Pie.
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "Ah, my daughter's pie! She makes the finest in the A'mun Desert. Not that there's much competition out here, mind. But don't tell her I said that."
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "Since you have done so well thus far, could I prevail upon you to help me one last time?"
Lubziklan al-Luq gives you Strongbox Key.
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "I have just had word that the same Drudges have waylaid a cider caravan of mine, which included a rare bottle of perfectly aged cider. This key will open the chest it was carried in - bring it back to me."