Corrupted Amber Collection

Revision as of 23:03, 24 March 2015 by (talk) (→‎Rewards)
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Corrupted Amber Collection
Level: Any
Rec. Level: 200
Type: Solo
Starts At: Viridian Root
Route: From Baishi, take the Kelnen Village portal at 50.0S 63.5E.
Repeat: None


Collect Corrupted Amber Shards inside the Viridian Root dungeon and exchange them for random rewards. This quest is akin to the Infused Amber Collection quest which is found outside at the Viridian Rise.

  • This quest requires you to become a Player Killer in order to access the rewards NPC.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Go to the Viridian Root dungeon. You must complete the Access to the Viridian Rise quest in order to get inside.
  2. Collect Corrupted Amber Shards. There are several ways to get them.
    • Kill and loot creatures in the dungeon. The shards can be randomly found in loot.
    • Loot 5 Viridian Essences from creatures in the dungeon and exchange them for 1 shard at a crystal in the dungeon. The crystals appear to spawn randomly. Note that you lose all your essences when moving to a new area of the dungeon.
  3. Once you have 100, you must become a Player Killer if you are not already one.
  4. Use the statue of Bael'Zharon inside the first area of the dungeon to be portaled to the rewards NPC.
  5. Give Vvermurgor 100 shards to receive a random reward.

Dungeons & Maps

No quest dungeons.




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Opening Dialog

Vvermurgor tells you, "You are one of the chosen who understands power and blood. Within this crypt amber has spilled from the exposed roots and has become corrupted by the masters. Bring these to me and I will reward you with items from my own collection."

Vvermurgor tells you, "My magics will require 100 Corrupted Amber. I will reward you well for this task."

Rewards Dialog

Vvermurgor tells you, "I am pleased by your service. These crystals will empower our magics. And now for your reward."

You hand over 100 of your Corrupter Amber Shards.

Vvermurgor gives you Gem of Greater Luminance.

Vvermurgor tells you, "I am pleased by your service. These crystals will empower our magics. And now for your reward."

You hand over 100 of your Corrupter Amber Shards.

Vvermurgor gives you Empowered Amber: Sollerets of Life.

Vvermurgor tells you, "I am pleased by your service. These crystals will empower our magics. And now for your reward."

You hand over 100 of your Corrupter Amber Shards.

Vvermurgor gives you Empowered Amber: Pauldrons of Life.

Vvermurgor tells you, "I am pleased by your service. These crystals will empower our magics. And now for your reward."

You hand over 100 of your Corrupter Amber Shards.

Vvermurgor gives you Corrupted Amber: Girth of the Corrupted Soul..

Update History

Forces of Nature

  • Quest introduced.