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July 2002: Castling Act III July 2002: Castling Act V

Castling: Act IV
July 2002

High Queen Elysa Strathelar calls has arrived at the Coldeve Festival Stone.

"My son was once the target of Martine's rage. He meath to strike at Asheron for crimes that were not his, but the Virindi's." -- Elysa

"We made the choice to pass through those first portals regardless of what we may want to believe. They may have called to us, but it was our choice." -- Elysa

"Ever since Martine was changed, he has been lost in a struggle with that which the Virindi placed within him. He is losing, or so it appears." -- Elysa

"I'm not a woman who is driven by her anger. But I cannot stand by and watch this madman tear this world apart." -- Elysa

"If you see him…" "What is it, Ash?" -- Elysa

"Elysa, the ocean…something has risen. I must see this." -- Asheron

"Elysa, we must go back to my island. I must see if this has happened anywhere else." "This is not right." -- Asheron

"The invisible river is changing. Something is gravely wrong." -- Asheron