Introduced: | To Raise a Banner of Flame (view version) | Related Quests: | Atlan Weapons Quest | Updated: | Heart of Woe (view version), Master of Arms (currently viewing), The Risen Princess (retired) |
- Value: 3,000
- Burden: 800
- Skill: Light Weapons (Axe)
- Damage: ? - ? (? - ?), Slashing
- Speed: Slow (55) (Very Fast (0))
- Bonus to Attack Skill: +?% (?%)
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +?% (?%)
- Spells: Light Weapon Mastery Self VI, Aura of Heart Seeker VI, Aura of Defender VI, Aura of Blood Drinker VI, Aura of Swift Killer VI, Curse of Black Fire
- Properties: Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable
- Wield requires base Light Weapons ?
- This item cannot be sold.
- Spellcraft: 200.
- Mana: 750.
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
- Created by using the Black Fire Atlan Stone on the Fine Atlan Axe:
- You've altered your weapon!
- Use the Stone Tool to revert to a Fine Atlan Axe:
- You've reverted your weapon!
Update History