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Corwin Steelhammer
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Soldier
Location West Egg Orchard
Level 275
Strength 280
Endurance 240
Coordination 280
Quickness 240
Focus 190
Self 190
Health 550
Stamina 900
Mana 500


Lore & Dialog

Corwin Steelhammer tells you, "What brings you down here? Are you looking for Olthoi Larvae too?"

Corwin Steelhammer tells you, "You spoke to my daughter? She worries too much! Although... The Olthoi in this Egg Orchard have been more difficult than I was expecting."

Corwin Steelhammer says, "Help me make my way out of here, would you? They have had me pinned down here and they have the surface portal blocked."
Corwin Steelhammer says, "I was not expecting to run into these stronger Olthoi when I came down here to collect Larvae for the Venomward. The Egg Guardians are dangerous and these Larvae have defenses I have never seen before."
Corwin Steelhammer says, "Quickly, into the egg room before they try to trap us in these hallways!"

The Olthoi Orchard Matron screams and falls. An acrid smell fills the room and the doors sealing off the egg room fall open.
Corwin Steelhammer says, "I cannot believe you were able to defeat the Orchard Matron! I'm injured, but thanks to you all, the path is now clear and I will make my way back to Eastwatch. Farewell adventurers!"
You have slain the Olthoi Orchard Matron and been awarded the title of "Warden of Dereth".
You search the remains as Corwin Steelhammer safely makes his way back to his daughter in Eastwatch.
Olthoi Orchard Matron's Remains gives you Olthoi Matron Acid.
You've earned 163,753,128 experience.