Shadow of the Seventh Mule

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Introduced:  Throne of Destiny Related Quests:  Blank Augmentation Gem Quests
Shadow of the Seventh Mule
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 50
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • Using this gem will drain 4,000,000,000 of your available experience.
  • Using this gem will grant you an extra, eight pack slot to carry your treasure and equipment. This augmentation cannot be repeated.


Dumida bint Ruminre tells you, "I can teach you to organize your packs more efficiently so that you can carry a bit more than you would normally be able to. But you will have to hand me a blank augmentation gem first."
Dumida bint Ruminre tells you, "Visit Fiun Rehlyun on the Halaetan Islands if you do not already have an augmentation gem."

You give Dumida bint Ruminre Blank Augmentation Gem.
Dumida bint Ruminre gives you Shadow of the Seventh Mule.
Dumida bint Ruminre tells you, "Use this gem to increase the number of packs that you can carry. But make sure you read the gem's inscription before you use it. I can't be held responsible for any long-lasting decisions you may mistakenly make."

Congratulations! You have succeeded in acquiring the Shadow of the Seventh Mule augmentation.
Animalsarentfood has acquired the Shadow of the Seventh Mule augmentation!

Known Issues

When acquiring the Shadow of the Seventh Mule augmentation the 8th pack slot may not appear until you log off and back on again.