Introduced: | Mirror, Mirror | Related Quests: | Path of the Jojii Adherent |
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- Route: See Nanto North Outpost.
- Opening dialog from Path of the Jojii Adherent quest
- Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent tells you, "I have met the man you seek, this Honshu Takeda. He is a good man. He will find his way back to the path of right living. I have sent him to seek grace at the shrine in Sawato. Perhaps if you pray, as he likely did, at the shrine you will see grace as well."
- Additional/non-quest dialog
- Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent tells you, "A reed that does not bend, shatters and is swept away in the current."
- Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent tells you, "As philosophies divide, so do the adherents of the paths. Not all are able to follow the path of the human."
- Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent tells you, "Grace allows us to walk through life in perfection."
- Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent tells you, "The grace of the unicorn is not the same as the balance of the crane. It is an ephemera that suffuses the soul and fills one with peace."
- Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent tells you, "Through the four stones we are shown the way to heaven and perfect life."
- Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent tells you, "Your steps are just beginning, fear not the road that they will follow. Tranquility is as the river who calls to the sea."