Introduced in Ancient Powers

Radiant Blood Walk Through

  1. Speak to Saphine Brauno to receive your Supplies for Massilor.
  2. Head to Massilor's Crypt @ 65.4S 43.6W in the Graveyard
  3. Run to the end of the crypt and talk with Massilor the Withered to hand over your supplies.
  4. Return to Saphine Brauno for your reward.

Massilor the Withered tells you, "So, my secret friends have a secret helper! I'm not sure I've seen you before, but then again all you breathers look and sound the same to me. I just need the supplies you brought. Here, let me take that..."
You hand over 1 of your Supplies for Massilors.
Massilor the Withered tells you, "Be on your way now and report back to your masters. Which ever of them you might serve. Heh, heh. I know something you don't know..."

Saphine Brauno tells you, "Excellent work. Massilor communicated with me to let me know he received the package and is well pleased. You have done well. Now I can reward you for your service to the Society."
Saphine Brauno gives you 15 Radiant Blood Commendation Ribbons.
Saphine Brauno gives you 4 Radiant Blood Trade Tokens.
Saphine Brauno tells you, "If you wish to serve me again, come back in a week. Massilor will need to be re-supplied."

Celestial Hand Dialog

Streza du Vorchass tells you, "You seek to improve your standing with the Society and do some good for your fellows, eh? You can help me by delivering a package for me... We have a discreet cooperative arrangement with a certain sentient undead that lives in the Empyrean Graveyard. Suffice it to say that Massilor the Withered was once a great scholar, and his rotting skull still holds useful knowledge. Seek him out through a portal at the eastern edge of the Empyrean Graveyard. Beware the rats down there."
Streza du Vorchass gives you Supplies for Massilor.

Streza du Vorchass tells you, "Excellent work. Massilor communicated with me to let me know he received the package and is well pleased. You have done well. Now I can reward you for your service to the Society."
Streza du Vorchass tells you, "If you wish to serve me again, come back in a week. Massilor will need to be re-supplied."
Streza du Vorchass gives you 15 Celestial Hand Commendation Ribbons.
Streza du Vorchass gives you 4 Celestial Hand Trade Tokens.