Thorsten Cragstone's Armor & Axe

Revision as of 15:30, 23 January 2011 by (talk) (1 revision: for full edit history and credits see
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Thorsten Cragstone's Armor & Axe
Level: ??
Type: Solo/Group
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview

Thorsten Cragstone is dead, but his armor and axe are on display, and you can have your own replica if you dare to enter the Hidden Dungeon!

Walk Through

  1. [OPTIONAL] Purchase the Plea for Help, the starting rumor for this quest.
  2. Talk to Glysander Cartoth at 25.7N, 48.5E in Cragstone. He will give you A Bronze Key and A Certificate of Permission.
  3. Head to a cottage at 15.2N, 65.6E outside Eastham and use A Bronze Key on Brontynn Marshad's Chest and loot A tightly scrawled Note and A Letter of Grief.
  4. Next head to Brontynn Marshad at 10.3S, 57.6E in a locked tower (Shortcut: Neu Gerz Villas Portal at 2.1N, 50.4E just outside of Lytelthorpe).
  5. Killing any of the Tumerok Gladiators guarding the tower will drop the Gate Key needed to unlock the Gate.
  6. Giving A Certificate of Permission to Brontynn Marshad will cause him to give you Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth and A Letter of Correspondence.
  7. Who you go to next depends on which reward you want:
  8. Go to the Underground City and follow the path down to Hidden Dungeon, as shown on the map above (A portal to the Underground City can be found in subway).
  9. The Hidden Dungeon map above will provide the route down to Thorsten Cragstone's Axe and Thorsten Cragstone's Armor.
  10. Loot Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth off The skeleton of Lania Cartoth.
  11. Use your Wax on either Thorsten Cragstone's Axe or Thorsten Cragstone's Armor to receive a Wax Mould of the item.
  12. Head back to who you received the Wax from and give them the Wax Mould for your reward:
  13. Take the notes to Glysander Cartoth at 25.7N, 48.5E in Cragstone, he will give you 45,000 XP total for them.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Underground City 21.3N, 53.9E -- 01E9
Hidden Dungeon Inside the Underground City -- 536A


Quest Items

Plea for Help A Certificate of Permission A Bronze Key Brontynn Marshad's Chest Gate Key Wax Thorsten Cragstone's Armor Thorsten Cragstone's Axe Wax Mould (Armor) Wax Mould (Axe)

The Letters

A Letter of Grief Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth (First) A Letter of Correspondence A faithful copy of Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth (Second)


Cragstone's Axe Thorsten's Armor

Experience Rewards

Lore & Dialog

Glysander Cartoth tells you, "Hello, I hope that you are here to help me! My name is Glysander Cartoth. I seek to recover a series of letters that Elysa Strathelar wrote to my older sister, Lania Cartoth. They were friends from childhood on Ispar and they corresponded for some time here in Dereth. One day my sister disappeared. I believe the letters may hold a clue to her disappearance. I will reward you with Experience Points for every letter you bring me. Furthermore, my sister once said something to me that leads me to believe the letters may direct you to items of great worth: Thorsten Cragstone's Armor or his axe! I know not whether these items are truly attainable but..."
Glysander Cartoth tells you, "There is a man, Brontynn Marshad, who promised to try to track down the letters but I have not heard from him in some time. He was staying in a cottage south of Eastham, near the beach. There is a chest in the cottage inside which he said he would leave letters for me to pick up periodically. I give you the key to the chest, for I am unable to make this journey. Please see if there are letters in the chest and give Brontynn this note, should you find him. This not authorizes Brontynn to give you any letters he may have. Thank you, and best of luck!"
Glysander Cartoth gives you A Certificate of Permission.
Glysander Cartoth gives you A Bronze Key.

Glysander Cartoth tells you, "You know where Eastham is, right? Please go find Brontynn Marshad's cottage south of there and see if he left any letters in his chest. He said his cottage was between the beach and the road."

Brontynn Marshad tells you, "Those Tumeroks have me trapped here. I am glad their number has been dealt a severe blow!"

You give Brontynn Marshad A Certificate of Permission.
Brontynn Marshad tells you, "Thank you for liberating me! I hope you are not injured! I see Glysander has sent you. I know he is anxious to recover the letters but alas, I cannot continue this quest now."
Brontynn Marshad tells you, "Here are two letters I have found. I can tell you where to find another letter, or its exact copy. Find Lia Tze in Baishi. She has a letter in her possession, and I was informed she might have a means for you to obtain a replica of Thorsten Cragstone's Armor. Or you may go to Tou-Tou and seek out a man named Tai Wo. He has a copy of the same letter Lia Tze has and may have knowledge of how to obtain a replica of Thorsten Cragstone's Axe. But beware- do not go to both of those people, for there is bad blood between them! Choose only one of them, for they will not deal with anyone who has had contact with the other. Now I will rest here for a bit and return home. Farewell!"
Brontynn Marshad gives you Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth.
Brontynn Marshad gives you A Letter of Correspondence.

Tai Wo Path

Tai Wo tells you, "Good, I see Brontynn Marshad sent you. Here is the letter I was going to give him. A learned colleague of mine who examined it believes this letter holds a clue to the location of Thorsten Cragstone's Axe."
Tai Wo gives you A faithful copy of Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth.
Tai Wo gives you Wax.
Tai Wo tells you, "Should you find it, you should leave it in its hiding place, however here is a quantity of wax with which you may make a mould of the axe. Having been an armorsmith in the past, the axe is of historical interest to me and I would very much like to make a replica of it. Bring me the mould with the impression of the armor and I will make a fine replica of the axe for you! I wish you luck in this, for the way sounds treacherous."

You made a wax impression of Thorsten's Axe.

You give Tai Wo Wax Mould.
Tai Wo examines the mould intensely.
Tai Wo crafts a fine replica of Thorsten's Axe.
Tai Wo tells you, "You took a fine mould! Here is an exacting replica of Thorsten Cragstone's Axe. Use it with care! I pray you do not come to the same end as he!"
Tai Wo gives you Cragstone's Axe.

Lia Tze Path

Lia Tze tells you, "Ah, yes, Brontynn Marshad sent you. Here is the letter I intended to give him. I came across it a long time ago, I remember not where. It seems to offer a clue to where Thorsten Cragstone's Armor was hidden."
Lia Tze gives you A Letter of Correspondence.
Lia Tze gives you Wax.
Lia Tze tells you, "If you seek it and find it, I doubt you can remove the armor. Nor should you. However, I have also given you a quantity of wax with which you may make a mould of the armor. Having some armorsmithing skills myself, I have a historical interest in the armor. Bring me the mould with the impression of the armor and I will give you a fine replica of the armor which will serve as an exquisite decorative item. Go with care!"

You made a wax impression of Thorsten's Armor.

You give Lia Tze Wax Mould.
Lia Tze examines the mould intensely.
Lia Tze tells you, "You took a fine mould!"
Lia Tze crafts a fine replica of Thorsten's Armor.
Lia Tze tells you, "Here is an exacting replica of Thorsten Cragstone's Armor. It will make a fine decoration!"
Lia Tze gives you Thorsten's Armor.

Giving Letters to Glysander

You give Glysander Cartoth A Letter of Grief.
Glysander Cartoth tells you, "Thank you, that is one of the letters! Here is your reward."
You've earned 3,000 experience.

You give Glysander Cartoth Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth.
Glysander Cartoth tells you, "Thank you, that is one of the letters! Here is your reward."
You've earned 7,000 experience.

You give Glysander Cartoth A Letter of Correspondence.
Glysander Cartoth tells you, "Thank you, that is one of the letters! Here is your reward."
You've earned 7,000 experience.

You give Glysander Cartoth A faithful copy of Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth.
Glysander Cartoth tells you, "Thank you, that is one of the letters! Here is your reward."
You've earned 7,000 experience.

You give Glysander Cartoth Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth.
Glysander Cartoth tells you, "Oh Lania, why did you have to go there!"
Glysander Cartoth tells you, "Thank you for bringing me this letter. Here is your reward. Please leave me to my sorrow."
You've earned 21,000 experience.

You give Glysander Cartoth A Letter of Grief.
Glysander Cartoth tells you, "You gave me that one recently. Is this a copy? It is worthless to me, I will dispose of it."

Glysander Cartoth Elysa Strathelar's Letter to Lania Cartoth.
Glysander Cartoth tells you, "You gave me that one recently and it broke my heart. Is this a copy? It is worthless to me, I will dispose of it!"