Introduced: | Heroes' Respite |
- Value: 2,500
- Burden: 9000
- Use this item to open it and see its contents.
- Can hold up to 120 items and 10 containers.
- Locked
- This lock looks impossible to pick. (Resistance 5000).
- This chest appears to have a sturdy iron lock, of the kind used to protect valuable treasure. Unfortunately, it looks nearly impossible to pick.
- Unlocked using Sturdy Iron Keys.
- While usually found as chests, SIK locks can also appear on a
- See Steel Chest for the version of the Chest that spawns outside.
- Loot tier 4 items.
- Black Dominion
- Black Spawn Dens
- Carved Cave
- Cave (47.8S 83.7W)
- Crater Caves
- Desert Mine
- Disaster Maze
- Dungeon of Corpses
- Golem Sanctum
- Halls of Metos
- Heart of Innocence
- Leikotha's Crypt
- Lightless Catacombs
- Lugian Citadel
- Mage Academy
- Mines of Despair
- Mount Lethe Magma Tubes
- Nevius Passage
- Olthoi Horde Nest
- The Pit
- Rumuba's Hidey-Hole
- Sclavus Cathedrals
- Small Temple
- Swamp Temple (Wai Jhou)
- Tainted Grotto
- Trial of the Vagabond
- Trialos
- Tumerok Dungeon
- Tumerok Fortress
- 9.7S, 63.3W - Tumerok Fort
- 45.2S, 39.1E - Undead Fort
- 65.0N, 3.0W - Banderling Camp