Introduced:  Release
Bowyer Xana Bin-Xara
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Sho
Title Bowyer
Location Wai Jhou 61.8S 51.3W, second floor
Level 8
Strength 80
Endurance 70
Coordination 70
Quickness 80
Focus 50
Self 40
Health 110
Stamina 170
Mana 90


  • Route: See Wai Jhou
  • See Bowyer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 180%, buys at 70%.





Fletching Items

Trade Notes

Lore & Dialog

Bowyer Xana Bin-Xara tells you, "You are most welcome here friend. How may I help you?"
Bowyer Xana Bin-Xara tells you, "Please visit our shrine across the way. It's very simple, but a good place to think."
Bowyer Xana Bin-Xara tells you, "Let detachment guard you. Without detachment you will be unable to let go and move forward."