Tlosk, I noticed if you click the markers on the map, they go to that image's page. Is there any way to have the clickable marker take you an article related to the POI? Just an idea. --Atarax 16:58, 20 January 2009 (CST)

It would certainly be possible to construct a map that behaved that way. As a template I don't know of a way off hand (because the objects get reused for every page that uses the template. But I seem to remember seeing something like that before, so there's probably some sneaky way of doing it, I'll see if I can find the page where I saw it.
On a side note, the 30 points isn't a hard limit, if anyone runs into a situation where you need more let me know. --Tlosk 19:36, 20 January 2009 (CST)