There are two Shroud Cabal Quest, the Northern Shroud Cabal and Southern, with similar quest sequence, and similar rewards.
Walkthrough & Notes
- Find and defeat a Shroud Cabal Forager Captain.
- Loot the
Forager Captain's Resonator.
- The inscription indicates that the Resonator should be taken to the Southern Resonating Crystal at 52.6S, 46.7E, between Khayyaban and Baishi.
- Hand the resonator to the crystal to enter the Southern Resonating Crystal dungeon.
- Form the drop point, go generally right and up through a series of rooms and corridors
- In the room with an altar and pink plasma, kill the Shroud Cabal Ley-Leech.
- Loot the
Ley Leech's Medallion and
Ley-Leech's Orders (optional).
- Return the medallion to Nomendar al-Rakh in Sawato at 28.6S, 59.2E for your rewards.
Dungeons & Maps
Southern Resonating Crystal
Opening Dialog
- Nomendar al-Rakh tells you, "Greetings! Have you run into any human bandits that belong to a group known as the Shroud Cabal? I represent a group of concerned Geomancers who are afraid that these renegades may pose some kind of threat, or represent a new threat to the people of Dereth... If you come across any of their artifacts, please bring them to me and I shall try to reward you."
Giving Forager Captain's Resonator to Southern Resonating Crystal
- You give Southern Resonating Crystal Forager Captain's Resonator.
- As you hold the resonator against the crystal, a warm, harmonious tone fills the center of the menhir ring, and you feel yourself being pulled gently into portal space...
Giving Ley Leech's Medallion to Nomendar al-Rakh
- You give Nomendar al-Rakh Ley Leech's Medallion.
- Nomendar al-Rakh tells you, "Very interesting! This medallion can actually be used to directly siphon mana out of a node between ley lines, if one possesses the geomantic skill necessary... Not useful to one such as yourself, you understand, but I have colleagues who would find this medallion to be valuable and informative. All I can do is thank you with some practical experience..."
- You've earned 5,000,000 experience.
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