Wiki Template Documentation

Revision as of 18:02, 3 December 2009 by (talk) (Created page with '{{RightToC}} Documentation for templates should be stored on a subpage of the format "Template Name/Doc". Segregating documentation to a subpage means that updates to the docume…')
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Documentation for templates should be stored on a subpage of the format "Template Name/Doc".

Segregating documentation to a subpage means that updates to the documentation don't cause large numbers of pointless template updates across the wiki, and the template itself can be protected if necessary (without protecting the documentation). That is, each time a change is made to a template, all pages that use that template are updated, which can be significant for widely used templates. Similarly, when changes are needed to a widely used template, experiment first on {{Sandbox}} so only a single change will be needed to the template itself.

  • Under "Syntax" include examples that are copy/paste friendly using the pre tag of the template syntax.
  • Under "Usage" include information about where the template should be used and any special parameter information. If appropriate, provide examples to make usage as clear as possible.

Wiki Code

{{Related|Wiki Templates|Wiki Template Documentation}}
== Syntax ==

== Usage ==

<noinclude>[[Category:Template Documentation]]</noinclude>


See ?? for an example of template documentation.