Introduced: | Release |
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- Route: See Stonehold
- See Bowyer for similar shopkeepers.
- Buys at 80%, sells at 180%.
- No gold, pyreal or platinum scarabs, no peas.
Item Price Invitation to Master Fletchers 36,000
Item Price Longbow 630 Heavy Crossbow 675 Atlatl 360 Arrow 450 Quarrel 450 Blunt Arrow 900 Frog Crotch Arrow 1,800 Armor Piercing Arrow 1,800 Blunt Quarrel 900 Frog Crotch Quarrel 1,800 Armor Piercing Quarrel 1,800 Atlatl Dart 450
Fletching Items
Trade Notes
Item Price Trade Note (100) 115 Trade Note (500) 575 Trade Note (1,000) 1,150 Trade Note (5,000) 5,750 Trade Note (10,000) 11,500 Trade Note (50,000) 57,500 Trade Note (100,000) 115,000 Trade Note (150,000) 172,500 Trade Note (200,000) 230,000 Trade Note (250,000) 287,500
Lore & Dialog
Gerhi, Bowyer of Stonehold tells you, "Welcome to our desolate little town."
Gerhi, Bowyer of Stonehold tells you, "Yep, we're out in the middle of nowhere. Not as bad as the Direlands, though."