June 2010 - Patch Page
Original Link - http://ac.turbine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=574-shifting-gears&catid=81-2010&Itemid=68
Shifting Gears

Atamarr stood in the desert sands, looking over the latest batch of recruits. The peoples of Dereth had been busy; there were more recruits to his cause every day. As a small dust-devil whipped by, he turned toward the assembled ranks and spoke. “Greetings to you all. I am Atamarr, the Primus of the Gold Gear House. You, who have begun to see the truth of the Iron Blade schemes, have been gathered here to set to rights the evils the Iron Blade Primus is perpetuating in this world, as well as on our homeworld.”

Atamarr stopped for a moment to gauge the reactions of the ranks. There was some murmuring, and a few notes of approval. Atamarr thought about how hard it was… how hard it is… to have to judge the doings of the Great Houses, when for so long they had guided the lives of every Gear Knight. It was like taking the only thing in the world you could always rely on, and then learning that it was based on lies. He hoped that those standing in front of him had the strength to endure that loss, and still honor their people at the same time.
Trying not to show his sadness at the situation he was reawakened to, Atamarr continued, “From all those who have joined our cause, I have selected you specifically because each of you carries the gifts necessary to thrive in this new world. Of all of us, you are the most open-minded, the most willing to explore, and the most ready to learn things anew.” Atamarr thought that it was both strange and fitting that it was the youngest, least experienced recruits that had the potential he needed to rebuild on Dereth. Those who had functioned for the longest were more powerful, but could not as easily cope with the radical changes needed to survive in this place, to start over from nothing.
Atamarr paced down the first line of recruits. Each stood with military precision, as was expected, but also admired by the old Primus. “You all are our greatest hope in this world. The old ways cannot weather this storm. We are now separated from our home. There is nothing we can do for those whom we left behind. The Iron Blade Primus himself controls the access from our homeworld to this place. Unless we can change that, there is no going back. So, with that option removed, what are we to do?”

The question set the lines quietly abuzz. Atamarr gave them a moment to mull it over before continuing. “What we will do…all we can do… is start anew. To that end, these are my final orders to you. From this moment on, in Dereth, the Great Houses are disbanded!” Atamarr’s voice rose in volume as he continued to inspect the lines. “No more can we stand separate! My quest for each of you is this: Go into the places and mingle with the peoples of Dereth. They are not your enemy, even if forces here and at home wish for you to believe such. Learn from them, find their worth, and earn their friendship and trust.”
“Those that have sided with me against the Iron Blade will find succor and friendship amongst the varied peoples here. The Aluvian Queen, Lady Elysa, has allowed us to join the alliance of races she has helped create. You all will be considered as one of them now, a free citizen of this realm. Use that freedom well. Learn all this world has to teach, and create a better place for all our people. This is our home now. Treat it and its peoples with respect and honor, as I know you are all capable of.”
At this point, the gathered ranks of young Gear Knights broke into an uproar. Some cheered on Atamarr, some called out questions in confusion, while others were horrified at the changes being laid out before them. Atamarr raised his hands, quieting them.
“Yes, I understand that this changes everything we were raised to believe in, and yes, I understand that this will not be easy. You have not joined a side in a war as you may have believed, at least not in the traditional sense. There is no way, at present, to stop the Iron Blade Primus’s actions on our homeworld. We are trapped here, unless we can find some way to create another path home. We can battle those who come here as his forces, or show them the light, as you all saw. But we cannot simply end this situation as it stands now. We will continue to find a way. We will find one eventually, but until that time comes, it serves us all best if we grow in strength as a people.”

“You are indeed the youngest of us, but in that fact lies our greatest hopes. Of all of us in Dereth, you have the greatest capacity to adapt, to learn, and to grow in understanding of the strengths of this place and its peoples. Use that strength to your advantage, to all of our advantage. Go now, with my blessing, and knowing that you are now the guiding lights of our people. Dismissed.”
Rollout Article
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Release Notes
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Letter to the Players
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Developer Comments
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