Walkthrough & Notes
- Take the Southern Catacombs portal and work your way down to the Deep Guruk Caverns.
- Bosh Bosh can spawn in 3 different small square rooms in these catacombs. See the map for the location of each room.
- Bosh Bosh is a semi-rare spawn. If he is not there in one of the rooms, kill the Guruk there and wait for the respawn. By repeating this, Bosh Bosh will eventually spawn in place of one of the other Guruk in the room. The respawn timer for each room is fairly low (less than 5 min). It can take anywhere in the range of 5 to 50 times to get Bosh Bosh to spawn.
- If you kill the spawn that appear along with Bosh Bosh, they will not respawn until after he is dead.
- Bosh Bosh is a boss similar to the other Clutch of Kings. He casts similar debuffs and counters any debuffs you might cast on him. However, he does not have the ability to swallow characters (portal into stomach) like the other kings. Use cold weapons.
- When Bosh Bosh dies, there are 2 kinds of tokens found on his corpse. The larger tokens can only be looted by those who scored a critical hit while fighting. These tokens give a title and xp. The smaller tokens can be looted by anyone else who is present. These tokens give less xp and no title.
- Both types of tokens should be handed into Kuuru in Kor-Gursha.
- Notes
- Bosh Bosh can be solo'd by a higher level player (level 200+).
- Beware of spells cast by Bosh Bosh that lower all attributes (Grip of Death, Greater Muccor Blight).
Dungeons & Maps
Template:Experience Reward
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Opening Dialog
- Kuuru tells you, "Prepare to hunt down the most degenerate boil this land has ever been afflicted with. A Kukuur named Bosh Bosh has been stealing into our town at night and taking our young! He... eats them."
- Kuuru tells you, "He must pay for every innocent life he has taken! He makes the Deep Guruk Caverns below the Southern Catacombs his home. Do not rest until you have hunted that filthy scum down and made him pay."
- Kuuru tells you, "Do not fail me on this. Bring me proof of his demise and I will reward you well for your help."
Handing in Tokens
Update History