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- August 2003.
- Mulitple raids in Fort Tethana by Renegade Lugians and Tumeroks.
- The raids were dev controlled and ran during the course of the month.
Quadruple-bladed Axe
Renegade Bow
Tumerok Hunting Brace
Renegade Crossbow
- Tumerok Champion Renegade
- Renegade Commander Walanawa
- Renegade Commander Kianar
- Renegade Trooper
- Renegade War Monger
Tumerok Champion Renegade
Renegade War Monger
General Garsh
- Fort Tethana Sentry says, "Hurry, lest the Renegades gain entry!"
- Raider Juggernaut says, "Gotrok, to my side! The Isparians have begun to fight back."
General Garsh is defeated
- With the last of his strength, the Commander cries out for his troops to fall back.
Renegade Gotrok
- Renegade Gotrok says, "As I have often heard your kind mutter, "Bring it."