Related topics: Creatures, Category:Grievver


"The scholars of the Zaikhal Arcanum originally titled the Grievvers "Gria'venir," after a race of spider-daemons in Gharu'ndim mythology. This was quickly slurred into something more pronounceable and appropriate. These spindly, agile creatures appear fragile, due to their thin limbs and slender profile. However, they are quite resistant to magic and are vicious in melee combat. A few varieties can even cast powerful magic themselves, and reports state that some spit acid, while others, through some unknown ability, produce lightning."
--Town Network Painting


Name Lvl XP Melee Def Missile Def Magic Def Health Loot Trophies
Bane Grievver 115 125,000 465 5
Banished Grievver 80 100,000 1295 4
Bile Grievver 160 1,500,000 2500 6
Blighted Bane Grievver 115 125,000 465 5
Burrowing Grievver 160 500,000 780 6
Destroyer Grievver 115 125,000 465 5
Fallen Grievver 160 1,500,000 5500 6
Greater Penumbral Horror 160 500,000 1480 6
Grievver Shredder 200 1,100,000 1495 8
Grievver Violator 160 500,000 780 6
Harrower Grievver 100 80,000 380 5
Parasitic Grievver 160 500,000 780 6
Penumbral Horror 160 500,000 1310 6
Penumbral Terror 160 500,000 1310 6
Ripper Grievver 135 250,000 570 6
Rufous Grievver 80 30,000 240 4
Scrawed Grievver 50 10,000 140 3
Spiked Grievver 60 17,500 185 4
Spinning Grievver 80 30,000 240 4
Traphole Grievver 135 250,000 570 6
Tunnelling Grievver 2 0 45 0
Venomous Grievver 80 30,000 240 4
Virulent Grievver 50 10,000 140 3

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