Asheron's Call Dark Majesty Manual/The Tale Thus Far

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The Tale Thus Far...

From 11-20-2001

Eleven years after the Isparians won their freedom from the Olthoi, the skies chilled and the snowline dipped from the peaks of the Lost Wish and Linvak mountain ranges, until the entire island of Dereth was coated in snow.

During the sudden frost, Sir Joffre Tremblant searched for a fabled lost Empyrean city. His party's disappearance was a mystery until rescuers discovered that the Tremblant Party had been slain and turned into undead by an ancient cult of necromancers in the undergound city of Frore. Adventurers battled throught armiers of undead into the depths of Frore, where they confronted a crystalline Great Work. The necromancers had found this crystal buried in the earth and used it to drain the heat from the land to suit their needs. Many adventurers perished before the huge magic crystal could be shattered, but eventually they succeeded and warmth returned to the land.