Falatacot Language Thread

There was a post on the official forums where users attempted to decipher the new Falatacot language from the The Shattered Coil story arc.

The thread was located at:

Translating the Falatacot Language
01-24-2005, 07:36 AM #1

Ancient Temple (Living Tome)

Falatacot Consort says, "Im vaik av tiu ikni liViliakti."
Falatacot Patrician says, "Im iakvi av tiu ikni Viliakti, Ij fiak kilt zakiik."
Falatacot Matriarch says, "Ekta livaik ikti vik ilkian, ia klia livaik ix vik iak."

Sclavus Temple (Gareth Dain)

Poorly Translated Journal
written by Sister Vitriaka (Falatacot)
Vitriaka makes reference to two types of groups consistently throughout this writing, "Iakvi Liviliakti" and "Tik Vaiktu Kiktij." I believe that the references speak of comparison between two races.

Scrap of Paper
Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "This is the Falatacot command for open. That is strange."

Temple of Ixir Zi (Blackmire quest/live event)'

Shi vaik tukinti ikni likik ki inki Viliakti, av esk ilti?

Jiktani ekta imtrika to the matron of this temple.

Pray to the Iakvi Liviliakti that you do not fail.

Failure av iakvi.

If you are true to the Iakvi Liviliakti then you shall reach her crypt.

For a brief moment the scent of a fetid, decaying swamp assails the senses. A visible ripple can be seen around Dereth and the islands. As quickly as the wave arose it is gone, and a voice carries on the wind, "Ekta vaik av kintiku, ia avtu ikni livaik ekta ukri! Tik Vaiktu Kiktij, ikni zirku zikt Bur av akri. Klia mijik av iaktik, ikni iak av ixk."


Okay, here's a couple of words I believe I might have translated correctly.

akri = open
av = is
iakvi = death (?)
Liviliakti = Falatacots (?)
Bur = Bur

Iakvi and av I translated from - Failure av iakvi. There is another message from a Guardian which made me come to the conclusion iakvi probably means death - "Failure at any step will bring death upon you all."
With this in mind, I think Iakvi Liviliakti might mean undead Falatacots, but those two words I'm not really sure about.

I'm interested in seeing what the Falatacot Matrons are saying at the Ancient Temple and what the "voice" said during the global for Blackmire 1.

Here's what I translated so far -
"Ekta vaik is kintiku, ia avtu ikni livaik ekta ukri! Tik Vaiktu Kiktij, ikni zirku zikt Bur is open. Klia mijik is iaktik, ikni iak is ixk."

The words Tik Vaiktu Kiktij I'm not sure about. It could another name for Fiazhats, Sclavus, or heck maybe even Isparian. It does appear so far the number of letters of a word are the same when translating it from Falatacot to English but I don't know if that's the case for all words.

Anyone else tried translating the Falatacot sayings?

Re: Translating the Falatacot Language
01-24-2005, 06:56 PM #2
An Adventurer

there was a post on the VN boards that had a lot of words translated.. but I can't find it. I think its been deleted because it was so old. maybe somebody saved the work?

Re: Translating the Falatacot Language
01-25-2005, 09:19 AM #3

Hmm.. I had never seen the post. If someone comes across it I'd like to see it. I do know CoD site has some translated words for the various Empryean languages however there is only one word translated for the Falatacot.

Velacixque = Blood-Heart

The word structure of Velacixque seems different though from the other words used from Reign of Terror (Nov 03) to present. What I mean is, with the word Velacixque the letter l and a are both used for the letter o. If I am correct about the translation of Liviliakti (Falatacots), the letter i in that word is a when translated to English. So theoretically Velacixque should be Vellcixque.

I am far form being an expert on languages, but I think if Velacixque is the same Falatacot dialect as the latter Falatacot words then it should be consistant.