Clutch of Kings (Rehir)

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Clutch of Kings

Reeshan - Kiree - Broodu - Keerik - Rehir - Browerk

Walkthrough & Notes     Dungeons & Maps     Rewards     Images     Dialog     Update History
Clutch of Kings (Rehir)
Level: 60
Type: Fellowship
Starts With: Watcher of the Dead
Starts At: 38.1S, 47.3W
Route: Mansion to Portal to Kivik Lir's Temple
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Clutch of Kings: Rehir


  • This is the fifth of six quests in the Clutch of Kings quest series.
  • Frost weapons are recommended.

Walkthrough & Notes

Part 1: Depth's of Kivik Lir's Temple

  1. Speak to the Watcher of the Dead to be portaled into the Depth's of Kivik Lir's Temple.
  2. Jump down and take the West ramp up, and continue heading west until you reach a ramp down on the east wall. Take the ramp down, then hug the wall left for the rest of the dungeon, with the only obstacle being a lever activated door in the first large room:
  3. In the first large room you come to, open the Southeast door by entering the room on the East wall and pulling the lever inside. The entrance to the East room is activated by floor plates on either side of the door.
  4. When you reach the end of the dungeon, use the Portal Gateway to be sent to the Secrets of Kivik Lir's Temple.

Part 2: Secrets of Kivik Lir's Temple

  1. From the drop, pick up all 4 weapons lying on the ground. Also, take note of weapons' colored counterparts hanging on the wall:
  2. Once you have collected all 4 weapons, talk to the statue in the middle to be portaled to the first room.
  3. Once inside, note the tint of the room. Drop the weapon whose colored counterpart matches the tint, then talk to the statue to be portaled to the next room.
  4. Continue this process until you are portaled into a square room with an exit portal. Take the portal to complete the puzzle and enter Kivik Lir's Temple.

Part 3: Kivik Lir's Temple

  1. From the drop, head East and hug the left wall all the way to the end, there are no levers are misdirections in here.
  2. At the end, you'll find a hallway on the West wall, which leads to a Portal Gateway. The device leads to Rehir, the boss.
  3. Before using the device, there are several things to know before going into the fight with Rehir, review these tactics:
    • Do not debuff him, he counters most debuffs.
    • Disband your fellowship before going into battle. Rehir casts Fellowship Debuffs, so you lessen the chance to be debuffed when not in a fellowship.
    • If you are swallowed (portaled into Rehir's stomach), quickly switch to a Critical Strike weapon, and attack his Stomach Wall on full speed. You have only have a percent chance of escaping his stomach when you land a critical hit.
      • Tip: If you're a mage, use wall spells for a greater chance to critical hit.
  4. Once everyone is ready, use the Portal Gateway to be portaled into the Center of Kivik Lir's Temple (hot drop).

Part 4: Center of Kivik Lir's Temple

  1. When you portal in, you'll immediately be attacked by Burun, and Rehir is just to the North.
  2. Kill Broodu using frost weapons/bows and Tusker Fists or Frost Wall.
    • Note: Do not debuff Rehir, he will counter. See above for tactics.
  3. Once you kill Broodu, loot Rehir's Hide from the floor.
  4. Head to Cragstone, and speak to Guard Lo Pan at 25.7N, 48.8E for your XP, Mana Forge Key (125+), and random reward.
  5. Optional: Hand Rehir's Hide to Guard Lo Pan for the title of Rehir Killer.
    • Note: Hold on to the hide if you are trying to obtain the Kingslayer title. See the Clutch of Kings for more information.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
King 5 Rehir Part 1 38.1S, 47.3W -- 00FA
King 5 Rehir Part 2 N/A -- 0160
King 5 Rehir Part 3 N/A -- 01F2
King 5 Rehir Part 4 N/A -- 00F4



Main Reward

Rehir's Hide

(1) Random Reward

Olthoi Lands Portal Device Gem of Inner Might Marksman's Robe Salvaged Jet (Quest) Salvaged Red Garnet (Quest)

High Level (125+) Reward

Mana Forge Key





Watcher of the Dead

Watcher of the Dead tells you, "My purpose is plain, I watch the dead that reside within the halls of this temple. I have stood this vigil since my sacrifice over thirty thousand years ago, when the world cooled and the darkness made war upon all. The weight of time has long crushed my bones to dust and left with me with this incorporeal form. Yet, I serve my purpose with the same vigor that I did in life."
Watcher of the Dead tells you, "I will not find rest until the threat from beyond is quashed. They will spread like a plague across this world if they are not shattered. Great waves of magic shall crash against their flesh and be pulled into their bodies. Their strength will grow until they can no longer be touched and then all shall be lost beneath the weight of their power."
Watcher of the Dead tells you, "A great failure for our sisterhood. They grew where our chosen fell. Now they come to shattered the coil of this world as we shattered the coil of theirs. You must defeat the behemoth within these halls else its power grow until it is unchecked by any force that remains on this world.""

Guard Lo Pan (Completing the Quest)

Guard Lo Pan gives you Marksman's Robe.
You've earned 56,184,660 experience.
Guard Lo Pan tells you, "This is for your efforts against the Burun Kukuur, King Rehir. You will need to wait three weeks before returning to me for another reward. If you wish to change your title and you have a scrap of Rehir's hide I will accept the hide and name you Rehir Killer!"

Update History

On Bended Knee

  • Quest introduced.

Unfinished Business

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 20 days to 20 hours.