Introduced: | Sudden Season |
- Sold by Spice Merchants.
- Recipes which call for Cinnamon.
- Stack Size: 100
- Tools
- Whittling Knife, Mortar and Pestle
- Ingredients
- 1 Strange Stick
- Result
- ?? Cinnamon
- Steps:
- Use Whittling Knife on Strange Stick to create Cinnamon Bark.
- Use Mortar and Pestle on Cinnamon Bark to create Cinnamon.
- You produce cinnamon.
Sold By
NPC Cost Town/Area Coordinates Al-Jalima Spice Merchant 7 Al-Jalima 7.6N, 4.8E Plateau Spice Merchant 8 Plateau Village 44.3N, 43.4W Spice Merchant Chiani (bark) 8 Baishi 49.5S, 62.7E